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Importance Health Insurance Policy That Covers Treatment At Home

Domiciliary hospitalization refers to a situation when the insured person avails the medical treatment at home. Undoubtedly, it has proven to be useful to many Covid-19 patients since the hospitals had to turn them away due to a shortage of beds, oxygen, medicines, etc.

These patients in the pandemic had no choice but to avail of home treatment.  A lot of them were also left gasping for breath due to the unavailability of beds. Have a look here for what can be included under the domiciliary feature in a health insurance policy, its cost, how to claim, its limitations, and what all to watch out for.

Importance Health Insurance Policy That Covers Treatment At Home

When is Domiciliary Hospitalization Required?

It is needed when:

  • Your doctor advises treatment at home instead of hospitalization
  • Despite all efforts if a patient is not able to procure a hospital bed or if it is not available
  • Some patients cannot get hospital admission due to pre-existing conditions and co-morbidities
  • Some health insurance plans include a feature of Home Care reimbursement; while some others provide it as an in-built feature and some offer it as an add-on cover. Since this is not a mandatory or standard feature in medical insurance plans, the coverage provided can differ from one plan to another and from one insurer to another.

What Treatment Costs will be covered?

You must be wondering what all expenses are covered under the homecare facility?

Technically it covers all the expenses that are covered under domiciliary hospitalization, including the cost of medical equipment, medicines, doctor’s consultation fee, and even oxygen cylinders like in the case of Corona kavach health insurance plans. This policy covers COVID- 19 home treatment up to a maximum of 14 days.


If your existing health insurance policy does not cover domiciliary hospitalization expenses then you can always upgrade it with the add-on benefit or port it to a new plan while buying a new policy. And do read the policy features and benefits in detail. 

Also Read: Is Dermatology Covered In Health Insurance?

What Exactly Is a Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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  • Tax benefit upto 75,000*
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