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The Claim Process For Max Bupa Health Insurance

In case of a medical emergency, you are expected to look after the well-being of yourself or your loved one, instead of running around to make a claim settlement of your purchased health insurance policy. Therefore, you must understand the claim settlement process in advance or at the time of purchase of your health insurance policy and keep the list of required documents ready beforehand. This will ensure that the claim is made as soon as possible, and you will get plenty of time to be there for the ones who need your help and support.  

Max Bupa health insurance is one of the well-known health insurance companies in the country. Max Bupa health insurance is a tie-up between True North and Bupa. With their understanding of the Indian customers, both the companies have established a trusted base of customers within the subcontinent and continue to provide quality services to their customers. The company provides its customers a diverse range of options within the health insurance sector. Some of its widely known products include family floater plans, critical illness plans, top-up health insurance plans, and senior citizen plans. It has also introduced digital services like Health App to ease the overall process of purchasing or renewing a health insurance policy.

The Claim Process For Max Bupa Health Insurance

Claim Settlement By Max Bupa Health Insurance

With its experience, Max Bupa health insurance provides a smooth and hassle-free claim settlement process to its policyholders. It is one of the most trustworthy companies which is very well known for its cashless claim pre-authorization in 30 minutes and settles the claim without involving any third party. A wide network of linked hospitals of the Max Bupa health insurance company ensures quality treatment to all its policyholders and provides them with cashless health care treatments. The claim settlement ratio of Max Bupa health insurance company was 89.46% in FY 2019-20. 

Claim Settlement Process At Max Bupa Health Insurance 

You can settle the claim for your purchased policy at Max Bupa health insurance without much effort. There are two types of claim settlements that can be made by the policyholders, namely cashless claim settlement and reimbursement claim process. Let us look at the steps involved in these processes individually: 

1. Cashless Claim Settlement At Max Bupa Health Insurance

Max Bupa health insurance has a network of 4,500+ linked hospitals that provide cashless treatment to its policyholders. In case of cashless claims, your medical dues will be cleared directly by the insurer to the hospital, without your involvement. The steps involved in this type of claim settlement process are: 

  • Get yourself admitted to a network hospital of Max Bupa health insurance and Inform your insurer about your hospitalization as soon as possible, to give them enough time to begin your claim process. You will have to produce your health ID card at the hospital desk for a claim. 
  • Fill a pre-authorization form and submit it at the hospital desk. 
  • After your documents are verified and your details are checked, you will be informed regarding the status of your claim request. 
  • Once approved, the claim amount will be paid directly to the hospital by the insurer and all your medical due will be taken care of. 

2. Reimbursement Claim Settlement At Max Bupa Health Insurance

Reimbursement claims can be made when you don’t wish to get admitted to the insurer’s network hospital. Let us look at the steps involved in this process of claim settlement: 

  • Seek your medical treatment in any hospital of your choice and inform the insurer about your hospitalization as soon as possible. 
  • After getting treated, pay your dues and collect all your documents like discharge papers, receipts, invoices, prescriptions, etc. to attach with the claim settlement documents.
  • Attach the above-mentioned documents along with other documents requested by the insurer to make a claim request. 
  • Once your claim request is approved, the claim amount will be transferred into your bank account. 


There is a specified list of documents that must be attached with your claim request. Make sure you attach all the necessary documents. You can know the inclusions and exclusions of your purchased policy by reading the fine print of the policy, this will avoid any confusion at the time of claiming your health insurance policy. 

Also Read: All About Max Bupa Health Insurance

What Do Max Bupa Health Insurance Plans Cover You For?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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