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The Advantages Of Buying A Health Insurance Policy Of Rs. 1 crore

A Rs. 1 crore health insurance plan provides the insured with a large sum insured of up to Rs. 1 crore to assist them in dealing with expenditures related to severe or terminal disease. This plan is ideal for people who have a large family or are at risk of catastrophic illness. With the rising likelihood of critical diseases, health insurance with a lesser sum insured may not be adequate in the event of terminal or critical sickness. With the growing incidence of life-threatening illnesses in India, a Rs. 1 Crore health insurance coverage has become nothing short of a necessity. Many people continue to endanger their own and their loved ones' lives by having insufficient health insurance, despite escalating healthcare costs.

The Advantages Of Buying A Health Insurance Policy Of Rs. 1 crore

Why Should You Buy $1,000,000 in Health Insurance?

The following are the advantages of having a health insurance policy:

  • Cashless Treatment: If you have insurance, you can receive cashless treatments since your insurance provider collaborates with multiple hospital networks.
  • Pre and post hospitalisation cost coverage: Depending on the health plans bought, insurance policies cover pre and post hospitalisation expenditures for up to 60 days.
  • Transportation Charges: The insurance coverage also covers the sum paid to ambulances for the insured's transportation.
  • No Claim Bonus (NCB): This is a bonus element granted to the insured if they do not submit a claim for any treatment in the preceding year.
  • Medical Exam: Insurance policies also provide alternatives for health exams. Some insurers will also give a free health assessment based on your prior NCBs.
  • Room Rent: Depending on the premium paid by the insured, the insurance policy may also cover room expenditures.
  • Tax Advantage: Health insurance premiums are tax-deductible under section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

Advantages of a Rs 1 Crore Health Insurance Coverage

Although it may appear to be an excessive sum, there are various advantages to having insurance coverage of up to Rs 1 Crore. Consider some of the most crucial features of this proposal.

1. To Combat Inflation

Inflationary pressures are becoming a growing worry. Even the most basic medical procedures are becoming more expensive. Failure to obtain correct treatment can only exacerbate the issue, resulting in a rise in expenditures in the long term. As a result, in today's economy as well as in the near future, a Rs 1 Crore health insurance cover might be really advantageous. This type of health insurance coverage not only covers the policyholder's urgent medical bills but also pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization charges.

2. To Plan for Serious Illnesses

Critical diseases are exceedingly worrying in and of themselves, and they also impose significant financial difficulties. Furthermore, they are mostly unavoidable, which implies that therapy must be administered promptly and thoroughly. To prevent lowering the quality of care available to terminally or critically ill patients, it is preferable to broaden your coverage as much as feasible. Rs 1 Crore is a large sum that can cover most medical expenses and save you from burning a hole in your wallet.

3. Profitable Covers

Cancer cover, worldwide cover, and other attractive add-on choices are available with Rs 1 Crore health insurance coverage. There are also one-of-a-kind coverage options available, such as a second medical opinion. This is useful in cases of serious illnesses such as cancer, where numerous medical professionals' opinions are required before the patient may undergo any radical medical operation. Other accessible add-ons may include repatriation coverage, which is useful for transferrable military officers.

4. Mindfulness

Without a question, having such strong health insurance coverage may provide anyone with wonderful peace of mind. Having this type of health insurance will guarantee that you can go through things stress-free, whether you are traveling or facing a critical medical checkup. Furthermore, it may keep you and your family safe and secure under a single plan.


Contrary to common assumption, because the total cover under this insurance plan is so large, you do not have to pay premiums for the rest of your life. Most Rs 1 Crore health insurance policies include many premium payment periods from which the policyholder can select based on their convenience. However, dividing the payments over a longer period of time makes it easier to pay for health insurance. To summarise, it is always best to be cautious and put your money to good use by getting a health insurance policy that will protect you and your family.

Also read- What Kind Of Health Insurance Should I Get?

Why To Invest In HDFC ERGO Health Insurance?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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