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The Advantage Of Purchasing Health Insurance For Diabetics

One of the most important benefit is that Diabetes health insurance allows you to manage the high cost arising out of diabetes treatment & its related illnesses without disturbing your savings. Most of the Diabetes health insurance plans provide coverage for hospitalization costs for Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes & their related complications.

Why to Purchase Health Insurance For Diabetics

3 Most Important Things To Know Before Buying Health Insurance For Diabetics

1 – “For People Who Take Insulin”
People who have (Type 1) Diabetes & are taking insulin, can be covered under some of the topmost popular plans mentioned in the ‘Top Health Insurance Plans For Diabetics’ list below.

2 – “For People Who DON’T Take Insulin”
People who have Diabetes but don't take insulin, can be covered under any Health Insurance plan. However, the waiting period would be different for each plan.

3 – “For People Who Have Diabetes For 10+ Years”
People who have Diabetes for more than 10 years, but don't take insulin, need Underwriters' approval to get a health insurance policy.

Top 4 Benefits of Health Insurance For Diabetics

Doctor Charges - Consult the finest doctors because it cover's doctor’s consultation charges.

Cost of Medicines - Covers cost of diabetes medicines.

Diagnostic Charges - Covers diagnostic charges so that you can conduct necessary tests.

No Stress - A diabetes need not worry as all their medical needs are covered.


To get good treatment for diabetes and its related illnesses. The diabetes insurance helps you cover hospitalization costs, doctor charges, diagnostic charges & any recurring treatment costs.

Also read: What Is Floater Cover In Health Insurance

How To Apply Chief Minister Health Insurance


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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