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TATA AIG Health Insurance Has A Lot Of Benefits

The rising costs of healthcare and the increased susceptibility to illnesses in all age groups have pronounced the need for a good health plan. Securing yourself and your loved ones with the best medical insurance policy have now become a necessity.

A lot of people wonder which medical insurance is best. The answer to this is simple. A policy that caters to your unique needs offers a quick and easy claim settlement process, is backed by a trustworthy and reliable insurance company, and can be bought at cost-effective premiums is what you should be looking at. The best health insurance is the one that offers services and features that come to your rescue in your hour of need without drilling a hole in your pocket.

TATA AIG Health Insurance Has A Lot Of Benefits

Common Benefits under all TATA AIG Health Insurance plans

All the plans as mentioned above have some common benefits like

  • Tax benefit under section 80D
  • Lifelong renewal provided all premiums are plain regularly.
  • Migrate or transfer can be done to any other insurer with other plans.
  • Cashless hospitalization for  3000+ network hospitals.
  • Zero sub limits on expenses covering inpatient treatment, day care expenses, domiciliary treatments and organ donor expenses.
  • Sum Insured Enhancement.
  • Grace Period of 30 days is available to Policyholders, but coverage will not be given for the time for which no premium has been received.
  • Free Look period where one can cancel the policy within 15 days from the receipt of the policy documents.


Tata AIG Health Insurance is amongst the biggest and most popular health insurers in India. The company has received many prizes including the “Best Product Innovation” award and the “Company of the Year” award. The insured has an excellent customer support team for the policyholders to call in and get their issues solved. One of the biggest reasons for Tata AIG’s popularity is that the company offers health insurance at affordable rates. These reasons make the Tata AIG Health Insurance plans much in demand and very well-loved.

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The Advantages of Using Health Insurance


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
Must BuyMust Buy

Why to Buy Health Insurance Policy Online from InsuranceDekho

  • Tax benefit upto 75,000*
  • Claim support everyday 10AM-7PM
  • 80 Lacs+ happy customers