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Tally of New UK Covid-19 Variant Cases Rises To 38 in India

According to the latest reports, nine more individuals who tested positive for the novel coronavirus have been found to be infected with the coronavirus new variant. With this, the total number of people infected with the new UK virus in India is now 38.

10 cases of the mutated strain of Covid-19 have been detected at NIMHANS in Bengaluru. While 8 have been detected in NCDC Delhi, the count of detected cases in National Institute of Virology (NIV) Pune is 5. There are a total of 11 cases in Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) New Delhi, 3 in CCMB Hyderabad, and 1 at NIBMG Kalyani. It is to be noted that IGIB Delhi, NCDC Delhi, NIV Pune, NCCS Pune, NIBMG Kolkata, ILS Bhubaneswar, InSTEM Bengaluru, NIMHANS Bengaluru, CCMB Hyderabad and CDFD Hyderabad are the 10 INSACOG labs conducting the testing of positive samples for genome sequencing. 

The total number of cases of the novel coronavirus new variant as of 1 January were 29. The Union Ministry of Health is said to have begun comprehensive contact tracing for co-travellers, family contacts and other people. In a statement, the Health Ministry addresses, “All the new strain coronavirus disease infected people have been kept in single room isolation. Designated Health Care facilities by respective State Governments are being used for isolation purposes. Close contacts of the infected persons have also been put under quarantine. Furthermore, genome sequencing on other specimens is being conducted.”

As per the data released by the Indian government, around 33,000 passengers got off  at different airports from the UK between 25 November to 23 December midnight. Tracking of all these UK returned people is going on. Also, the UK returnees are being subjected to RT-PCR tests by the states and Union Territories.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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