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Super Top-Up Health Plan: How It Can Protect Despite An Increase In Medical Inflation?

These days, you can need health insurance that offers a higher total insured amount than a typical health insurance policy. If you think your current health insurance coverage is insufficient to meet your current demands, you may decide to enhance it with super top-up health insurance. If your current insurance is no longer enough to cover your expenses, it helps you pay for additional medical expenses.

Super Top-Up Health Plan: How It Can Protect Despite An Increase In Medical Inflation?

What Is Meant By Super Top-Up Plan?

Similar to a super top-up health insurance plan is a top-up health insurance plan. However, as the word "super" implies, it has extra benefits in addition to those that a top-up plan might provide. Your medical expenses that go over the policy's coverage limit are covered by a super top-up health insurance policy.

Nowadays, medical inflation is a harsh reality. The cost of receiving top-notch medical treatment is increasing yearly. Medical costs are expected to increase over the coming years as a result of recent global occurrences like the coronavirus epidemic. A thorough super top-up mediclaim coverage is essential in this situation since it offers great financial protection.

Features Of Super Top Up Plan

The most cost-effective way to enhance your health insurance coverage within your current health plan is to get a super top-up mediclaim policy, which is less expensive than paying a higher premium under your current policy. Let's examine some of the crucial components of mediclaim top-up plans that make them useful in the event of an urgent medical situation.

  • Deductibles

The amount of a claim for which an insured is responsible is known as the "deductible," and it is calculated annually. Only in the event that actual hospital costs exceed the deductible will the additional health insurance provide coverage. It's crucial to keep in mind that the deductible can only be paid once.

  • Hospitalisation Cover

By purchasing the finest super top-up health insurance, you can avoid paying higher prices. Additionally, it helps you and your family feel more at ease in an emergency. The insured will receive a refund for all room and board expenses as well as nursing, ICU, and physician fees. The coverage provided by this policy will include daycare and high-tech medical procedures.

  • Pre-hospitalisation and Post-Hospitalisation Coverage 

The plan pays for charges such as diagnostic fees, follow-up tests, and medication costs that aren't covered by your hospitalisation insurance. Additionally, it provides coverage for medical costs spent between 30 days before hospital admission and 60 days after discharge.

  • Annual Physical Exam 

Some health insurance providers additionally offer super-top-up mediclaim policies that cover annual health examinations for you and your family. This benefit can be acquired for free if a checkup is conducted in a network hospital connected to the insurer.

  • Cashless Therapy 

If you go to a network hospital, the insurer will pay the costs of your treatment right away; you won't have to spend anything out of pocket in anticipation of a later reimbursement.

  • Cost-Effective And Flexible

Because you can choose your own deductible level, the super top-up health insurance is flexible. Lower deductibles have the effect of lowering rates. In accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 80D, you can also be qualified for a rebate. The amount covered, the number of insured people, their ages, and the duration of the policy are some of the factors that affect the premium rate.

  • Organ Donor Coverage

The best Super-top-up health plans typically cover organ donor payments, which can be a lifesaver when dealing with the exorbitant costs of a serious sickness. 

  • Floater For The Entire Family

For a single payment, a family floater plan with supplemental health insurance can cover all of your family members' medical costs.


Your needs and your finances may be able to be met by a top-up medical insurance coverage. These plans provide an affordable way to pay for any potential medical expenses that might be incurred in the event of an unanticipated medical emergency.

Also Read: 

How To Select The Best Health Insurance Plans?

List Of Widely Spread Critical Illnesses In India


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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