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Study Finds Sore Eyes A Common Covid Symptom

Studies based on coronavirus are leaving people from all across the globe stunned on a regular basis. Every day, there is a new finding that makes Covid-19 an even more serious cause of concern. As per a recent study conducted by an Indian-origin scientist at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in the UK, sore eyes are a common vision-based indicator of coronavirus disease. This finding gives an insight into how the novel coronavirus spreads in the body.

Anglia Ruskin University researchers asked individuals who had a confirmed Covid-19 diagnosis to provide details about their symptoms, especially in comparison to how they felt before testing positive. A questionnaire based on symptoms was provided for the same.

Director of the Vision and Eye Research Institute at ARU, Professor Shahina Pardhan said, “The study is the first one to observe different eye symptoms that are an indicative of conjunctivitis with regards to COVID-19. Moreover, it is the first that emphasizes their time frame with regards to other well-known COVID-19 symptoms as well as their duration.”

The study was published in the journal BMJ Open Ophthalmology, when it found that sore eyes were quite common among participants that had COVID-19. About 16% of the participants reported sore eyes as one of their symptoms. Only about 5% of the participants reported sore eyes beforehand.

According to the study, 18% of people reported photophobia or light sensitivity as one of their symptoms. It is to be noted that it was only a 5% increase from their state before COVID-19.

Professor Shahina Pradhan said, “It is important to include ocular symptoms in the possible COVID-19 symptoms list. However, sore eyes should not replace ‘conjunctivitis’ as it is also vital to differentiate between the symptoms from different infection types.” She added, “The study conducted was significant because it helps us in exploring more about how COVID-19 can infect the conjunctiva and spread through the body.”

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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