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Steps To Fill Star Health Insurance Claim Form

Star Health and Allied Health Insurance is the first standalone health insurance provider in India. It has been selling some of the best and most popular health insurance policies ever since it commenced operations in 2006. The company is well-known for offering economical health insurance plans that are very comprehensive. The Star Health plans are available for families, senior citizens, pregnant women and individuals as well. The company has a very good online presence and so buying health plans online is an easy thing to do.

Steps To Fill Star Health Insurance Claim Form

Star Health Insurance Claim Process

It is very easy to make a claim for Star Health Insurance plans. The company does not use a TPA, so the claims are settled directly and very quickly within 2 hours. The claim settlement process is so efficient that it has been lauded by the Hindustan MaR Survey and Starhealth has been called the best claim settlement company. 

The first thing that you need to do when making a claim is inform the company. You need to inform the insurance provider at the earliest about your hospitalization. If it is a planned hospital stay, then you need to inform them at least 48 hours before you get admitted. In the case of an emergency, you should inform Star Health within 24 hours of getting admitted. Just call 1800 425 2255 (toll-free) and inform the insurer about it. Depending on the hospital that you seek admission, you can make a claim. Let us take a look:

1. Cashless Claim

As mentioned above, Star Health has a tie-up with close to 10,000 network hospitals. You can get admitted to any network hospital and avail of the cashless facility. Produce your Health Card/ Policy Card at the TPA Desk of the network hospital. You need to fill out the cashless claim form and submit it to the hospital at the time of getting admitted. The hospital/ the TPA agents will contact the company and the company will settle your bills directly.

2. Reimbursement Claim

When you get admitted and treated in a non-network hospital, you need to pay the bill out of your own pocket and then get reimbursed from Starhealth Insurance.
For a reimbursement claim, you need to download the claim form from the insurer’s website, fill it out, and submit it along with the required documents. Star Health will go over the documents and if satisfied, reimburse you for the expenses incurred. The documents needed for this include:

  • The claim form, duly filled and signed
  • Policy document
  • Photo ID of the policyholder
  • Physician’s advice calling for hospitalisation
  • Original prescriptions of doctors prescribing drugs or diagnostic exams
  • Discharge summary
  • The original FIR copy, in case the hospitalization resulted from an accident
  • All the bills and memos in the original

You can visit Star Health’s official website and get more information on the claim process and also get the list of all the documents needed.


Star Health Insurance is a premium health insurance provider in India. The company is one of the oldest and most trusted health insurance companies in the country. It offers pocket-friendly health plans that offer a wide range of wholesome covers. The company also has a very good claim process, along with an efficient customer support team. This makes it easy for the policyholders to buy and service their plans as and when needed.

Also read- Who Should Acquire A Health Insurance Policy For Rs. 1 Crore

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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