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Step By Step Guide to Use CoviSelf Test Kit

India has recently authorized CoviSelf, a self-testing COVID-19 kit. It is being developed by MyLab Discovery Solutions and is the first of its kind in the country. Self-testing kits are of great help and convenience. With the coming of the second wave and the exponential rise in coronavirus cases, going to hospitals and testing centers has become risky. This is especially true for the elderly and those who have comorbidities. 

The CoviSelf self-testing kit has been approved by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for those who either have the symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with people who have tested positive, therefore, have high chances of contracting it themselves. The testing kit is synced with the CoviSelf app which provides the information of the positive case to ICMR. Subsequently, it helps in COVID-19 tracing. In case one has the relevant symptoms but still does not test positive on CoviSelf, it is advisable to take the RT-PCR test. 

How to Use CoviSelf?

The CoviSelf COVID-19 self-testing kit contains a testing card, a biohazard bag, an extraction tube, and a nasal swab. The following are the steps to use the COVID-19 self-testing kit:

1. Download the CoviSelf app and enter the relevant information that will be asked so that it can be sent to ICMR, to be made available to the government of India. 

2. Sanitise your hand and place all the components of the kit on a clean surface.

3. Take the nasal swab and insert it into your nose till it reaches the back of the nasal tract (approximately 2 to 4 cm inside)

4. Swirl the nasal swab to collect your test sample. 

5. Put this test sample in the extraction tube and mix it with the liquid that will be present inside. Close the tube tightly.

6. Put two drops from the extraction tube onto the testing card and wait for about 15 minutes.

7. If you are positive, two lines will appear on the testing card, on the “t” (testing line) and the “c” (quality control line). 

8. If you are negative, only the line on "c" will appear. The test will be deemed useless if there are no lines even after 25 minutes. 

Once you are done with the test, remember to dispose of it carefully in the biohazard bag. It is a biomedical waste and should be treated with care. If you feel discomfort and the symptoms even after testing negative, carefully observe, contact your doctor or take an RT-PCR test if possible.

Advantages of Self-Testing Covid Kits

The following are a few advantages of self-testing Covid kits:

1. More Affordable

CoviSelf self-testing Covid kits are more affordable as compared to RT-PCR tests. This makes them more available for people who might not have been able to afford the RT-PCR testing.

2. More Convenient

The CoviSelf kit is hassle-free and easy to use. Moreover, you can do it from the comfort of your home. 

3. Safer

Since you can carry out this test alone, you are comparatively safer. People coming to your house to test or you going to testing centers is relatively riskier due to chances of transmission.


It is important to monitor yourself as soon as you get symptoms. COVID-19 self-testing kits are easily available for everyone. If you are not finding it easy to go to a testing center, make sure to get a self-testing kit. If tested positive, follow the necessary protocols to remain safe.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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