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Stay Cautious! Never Purchase Health Insurance from This Website

IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India), made a public announcement alarming them about a fake website approaching the potential buyers by using the authority’s name to sell its products online. IRDAI notified the customers that the website uses the domain name and sells insurance to the general public. 

IRDAI clarified it to the general public that the authorized website of IRDAI has domain name and also hosts Centralized Agency Portal. IRDAI hopes that this consumer alert works as an eye-opener for the ones who ignore the importance of verifying the authenticity of the websites before carrying forward a transaction through them. 

Earlier in May 29019 also, a notice was brought out by IRDAI about an entity named “Marines Technology” with an email id as that provided general insurance products. The entity was not licensed or given registration by the IRDAI to sell any type of insurance policy. IRDAI shared that the entity was reflecting itself to be authorised with IRDAI and used to work with the regulatory body, which was false. 

IRDAI is a reputed authority that keeps the public updated on a regular basis from various insurance-related changes in the market to the progress or otherwise of various insurers. Some such insurers are- STAR Health, Max Bupa, Religare, Reliance General etc.

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