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Smoking And COVID-19: Are You At A Higher Risk?

Smoking is terribly injurious to one’s health. It is quite easy to become addicted to but has severe repercussions, the damages caused by which can impair one’s life. They cause a number of respiratory diseases and heart and lung-related health problems. With the COVID-19 pandemic being a life-threatening presence, smokers have understandably grown more concerned about their risk status. 

Are Smokers at a Higher Risk Due From COVID-19?

COVID-19 affects the lungs of the affected patients and severely compromises their respiratory system. Smokers already have damaged lungs and an impaired respiratory system due to their habits. This makes it harder for their body to effectively combat the coronavirus and thus, increases their chances of getting severe COVID-19. They face a higher chance of death due to COVID-19.

Consumption of tobacco and nicotine through cigarettes or even other products like khaini and more is harmful to the body and damages its capability to protect itself from a respiratory-based disease like COVID-19. Lung diseases and such related problems give rise to complicacies with relation to COVID-19. Even if they do not lead to the death of the patient, they will quite surely cause irreparable damage. 

COVID-19 Increases the Risk of Spreading the Coronavirus

Smoking with hookahs and waterpipes often requires exchanging the pipes between a number of people. Not only does this encourage gatherings which itself poses a risk to all participants but also increases the risk of infection from multiple people touching the pipe. 

Smoking while you are outdoors can also be risky as you will need to be without your mask, breathing in the air and will also be constantly bringing your hands close to your mouth. On the other hand, smoking indoors is harmful to everyone in your vicinity as passive smoking can compromise their immune system and their respiratory health and therefore, increase their risk from COVID-19. When it comes to COVID-19, smokers are at a natural disadvantage over other people.

Precautions To Be Taken By Smokers For COVID-19

The best course of action would be, of course, to quit smoking. Take this quarantine to rectify your habits and ensure a better and healthier life for yourself as well as your family. The pandemic has been raging on for more than a year already and may not end completely anytime soon. Under such circumstances, it is important to make healthier life choices.

If at all it is impossible to quit, make sure to take precautions while you smoke. Wash your hands and sanitise them before you light a smoke and avoid doing it in public. It is also crucial to avoid all kinds of gatherings as they are a major source of infection.


Respiratory problems and lung-related health issues are major comorbidities when it comes to COVID-19. Paired with the high risks that COVID-19 itself poses, smokers are at high risk during this pandemic. Although there have not been any proven studies showing the exact statistics of smokers getting infected by the coronavirus, it is advisable to be careful as smoking compromises the respiratory system. Healthier life choices will pave the way for a better life for you even in the future.

Also Read: What are the Chances of Getting COVID After Being Fully Vaccinated?

Why Children Below 18 Years At Higher Risk Under COVID-19 Third Wave?

Covid-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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