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Simple Methods To Save On Health Insurance Premiums

Health insurance is one of the biggest necessities of our lives. While everyone looks to buy the best possible plan with the highest cover, it is not always possible to fit it into their budgets. If you too have been looking to save money on health insurance, take a look at this article for practical tips on how to save money when buying medical insurance India.

Ways to Save Money on Health Insurance Premium

  1. Buy when young: It is always advisable for you to buy your health cover when you are young and healthy. A health cover costs less if the policyholder is young and fit. So rather than waiting till the time you are older and affected with many illnesses, get the plan earlier and pay less for it too.
  2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: A person who does not smoke, is not obese and has no diabetes, usually gets his health insurance policy at a lower rate. So, maintain a proper lifestyle and keep yourself healthy. You will then see a huge difference in the premium rates when you use a health insurance premium calculator.
  3. Buy a family floater plan: A family floater plan is more economical than an individual plan. This comes in handy especially when you look to buy a health cover for more than one family member. You can bring all your loved ones under a common health insurance umbrella and pay an affordable premium for it too. This is one of the smartest ways in which you can save on medical insurance in India. Also, an umbrella coverage for your family will provide more flexibility with higher coverage options at a lesser price!
  4. Look at the top up plans: A good way to get a high health insurance cover is backing up your base plan with a top up plan. A top up plan offers an added sum assured which you can use when you exhaust the sum assured of the primary policy. It is cheaper to get a primary plan plus a top up plan as compared to getting a primary plan with a higher coverage. Just remember that a top-up health plan gets activated only after the initial base plan is exhausted. However, opting for a top-up plan or a super top-up plan is the smartest way to increase your coverage without a large pinch in your pocket.
  5. Shop online: Health insurance is always cheaper online. Digitization of medical insurance India has made it more economical for people to get health covers. You can find some excellent plans online at some excellent rates. You get to compare health insurance when you shop online and that is an added advantage. This will help you get the best deals as well.
  6. Go for long-term plans: Most of the health insurance plans sold in India have tenures of one year. But long-term covers of two and three years are also available. When you buy a plan for a longer period, you end up paying a lower cumulative premium. You also stay protected against inflation and this helps you to further save money.
  7. Adjust your riders: Riders are helpful, but they do come at an added cost. So, see which riders you need and drop the ones that are of little use. This will help reduce the premium of your health plan.
  8. Don’t buy excess insurance: First and foremost, you need to assess your own insurance requirements. Use a health insurance premium calculator to see what your premium will be for the chosen amount of coverage. This will help you to choose the perfect cover at your own budget.


Keep the above-mentioned points in mind when you go shopping for your ideal health insurance plan. Don’t forget to compare health insurance as that helps you save a lot of money. Buy the right cover for yourself and your loved ones and stay fit, happy and healthy at all times.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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