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Should I Add Air Ambulance Cover To My Plan?

Anywhere and at any time, a medical emergency may arise. Air ambulance coverage can be useful if you sustain an injury while travelling, or if you require care for an urgent situation or an illness that necessitates specialised care but isn't offered at your neighbourhood hospital or healthcare facility. For a specific service or in an emergency, air travel may be required.

Should I Add Air Ambulance Cover To My Plan?

What Is A Cover For An Air Ambulance?

In an emergency, air ambulances are specially outfitted aircraft that fly patients to their destination safely and in time for treatment. These aircraft are well-stocked with medical supplies and professional tools including ventilators and ECG machines. These aircraft's main objective is to transport patients to hospitals from rural or far-off locations with special capabilities.

Some health insurance plans in India include coverage for the costs of air or helicopter ambulance transportation. The cost of an air ambulance in India would be covered by your plan if it is listed in your policy paperwork. However, the coverage will only be applicable if a few requirements are completed.

Advantages Of Air Ambulance Coverage

There is no doubt that the benefits of such a service are unmatched and unrivalled in comparison to any other means of transportation, regardless of the expenses or if air ambulance services are thought to be the proper mode of medical transportation.

  • Avoid Long Distance Travel

The ability to save lives is the first and most significant benefit of air ambulance services. Long-distance driving can be tremendously difficult for any patient. Air ambulance services are the sole choice if the patient is in a serious condition and needs quick medical assistance.

  • Large Capacity

The second primary advantage of air ambulance services is that they have a larger capacity and are outfitted with all the medical tools required to provide emergency and temporary medical care to a patient. Unlike ordinary ambulances, which are severely constrained in their ability to transport family members and can only transport a small number of medical supplies and equipment, an air ambulance would have aeromedical personnel who would need to undergo in-depth training and can transport multiple persons. 

  • Ability to Handle Serious Patients

A typical air ambulance cabin would have controls for the atmosphere, humidity, and pressure in addition to the newest medical technology. There is a good probability that life will be preserved when air ambulance services are paired with such cutting-edge medical emergency care and treatment, as well as that further health deterioration of the patient will be prevented.

  • Safe & Comfortable 

The next benefits of air ambulance services are their comfort and convenience. Although they can be long and uncomfortable, road journeys and transfers in conventional ambulances are not exceptionally challenging. Air ambulance utilisation is completely hassle-free.

The patient won't have any discomfort during the trip to and from the plane or while flying because of the high calibre of the conveyance. Due to delays in the transportation process, the discomfort of the patient, or a lack of sufficient medical services, medical emergencies have been known to turn fatal for patients while they are being transferred. You may get away from all of these issues by using air ambulance services.

  • Careful Setup 

Air ambulance services are completely supervised and planned by experts with extensive knowledge of certain medical conditions. They base their entire timetable on the requirements of the patient. The patient is always well taken care of and in excellent health up until they reach their destination thanks to such rigorous setup and preparation.


Your health insurance plan may benefit greatly from the addition of air ambulance services. Transporting yourself or your family members for specialised medical care won't be a concern for you. A fundamental health insurance plan is actually insufficient nowadays. To increase the value of your policy, you could purchase extra protections like air ambulance coverage.

Also Read: 

All About the Maternity Rider in Health Insurance Plans

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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