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Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy: Features And Benefits Explained

Due to the change in the surroundings and the spread of the global pandemic, the senior citizens of the family have become more vulnerable to the risk of contracting a life-threatening disease. Therefore, it is necessary to have a financial backup for their medical treatments at the private hospital. Health insurance plans can be bought to get the much needed financial support and quality treatment. Specific senior citizen health insurance plans can be bought by the policyholders to get sufficient coverage without any constraints.

Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy: Features And Benefits Explained

About Star Health Insurance Plans

Star Health Insurance company is one of the well known names in the health insurance market within the country. The health insurance plans offered by the Star health insurance firm do not include a co-payment clause for people below the age of 60 years. Let us look at some of the essential features of Star health insurance company:

Must Read: Advantages of Star Health Insurance Plans

  • It offers cashless claims at over 9,900+ linked hospitals that form a network with the insurer
  • With a claim settlement ratio of 78.62% in the FY 2019-20, the insurer signifies its decent credibility under the claiming procedures
  • Tax saving perks are offered on the premium payments of the plan to the policyholders who are also the taxpayers

About Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy

Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy is a senior citizen health insurance plan offered by the Star health insurance company. This plan covers the policyholder within the age group of 60 years to 75 years. The coverage of this plan can be extended to lifetime by the policyholders. This plan is available as both an individual plan and a family floater health insurance policy. This extensive health insurance policy is the best way to secure your parents and in-laws against the high cost of medical treatments at the private hospitals. This policy has a wide range of features and benefits along with the variants in terms of the policy tenure for the people insured under the plan.

Features of Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy

Let us look at some of the prominent features of a Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy:

  • There are several options for the installments of the policy, that is, the policyholders can play the premium annually, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, biennially, etc.
  • A pre medical test is not required to invest in this health insurance policy
  • You can renew your Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy for the lifetime without any upper age limit
  • Modern treatments like oral chemotherapy, Balloon Sinuplasty etc. are a covered under the plan
  • Insurer offers a 15 days free look period to the policyholders of this plan, to go through the policy terms
  • Tax saving perks are a part of the plan under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act

Benefits of Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy

Let us look at some of the essential benefits of Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy that can be availed by the policyholders while claiming the plan:

  • Co-payment options are available for both pre-existing and non pre-existing diseases
  • All the daycare procedures are a part of this plan
  • The plan compensated for pre and post hospitalization, intensive care, inpatient costs, and much more
  • Portability of the plan is available, if applied 45 days prior to the date of renewal of the plan
  • Cashless claims can be made at the network hospitals without paying a penny from your pocket
  • 12 months waiting period on the pre-existing diseases covered under the plan


You can consider several other options along with the Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy when looking for a suitable senior citizens health insurance plan. Senior Citizens Red Carpet Policy is one of the comprehensive plans that offers exclusive features at an affordable price to the policyholders. You must carefully read the policy terms to understand the policy better and avoid any inconvenience at the time of the claim settlement procedure.

Also Read: Claim Process of Star Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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