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Rs. 5 Lakh Insurance Benefit Under Healthcare Scheme to Families in Rajasthan

Rajasthan’s Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has announced that every family will be given an insurance benefit of Rs. 5 lakhs under the Universal Healthcare Scheme.

Addressing a press conference, the CM said, "As per Universal Healthcare Scheme, every family in Rajasthan will get Rs. 5 Lakh insurance benefit. The scheme is free for contract workers, small & marginal farmers and people covered under Ayushman Bharat Mahatma Gandhi Rajasthan Swasthya Bima Yojana”. Gehlot also informed that people who lack coverage under these schemes are also allowed to avail Rs. 5 Lakh worth treatment at any government or private hospital in the state. Highlighting the same, Rajasthan CM said, "While others in the state can avail the treatment of Rs. 5 Lakh by paying half of the insurance premium of Rs. 850 on an annual basis.

In the 2021 Rajasthan Budget session, Gehlot stated that the 'Right to Health' Bill will be shortly introduced by the Rajasthan government. This bill will give preventive, private and curative cure to the people. 'Right to Health' Bill will also implement a 'Universal health Coverage' to give healthcare to 5 crore families.

A 'Special COVID-19 package' was also announced by Gehlot where Rs. 2,000 each will be provided to 33 lakh destitute families as well as an interest-free loan up to Rs. 50,000. Rs. 50 crore will be given to entrepreneurs under Mukhyamantri Laghu Udyog Protsahan Yojna. Students will be given free uniforms and books.

Read: Should Pregnant Women Get Covid-19 Vaccine?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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