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Royal Sundaram withdraws its Health Shield product, offers an alternative health insurance plan

Royal Sundaram has withdrawn its product named Health Shield. As an alternative product, the insurer has offered Lifeline, which the policyholders can port to. By porting to Lifeline, they will be able to avail full benefits such as carry forward of waiting periods, pre-existing disease (PED) and no claims bonus (NCB). But it is a rude shock to senior citizens who find their premium increase by 100% to 200% at the time of renewal. 

Lifeline plan comes in three variants, viz., Lifeline Classic, Lifeline Supreme and Lifeline Elite. The plan provides other benefits too to the policyholders, of which in-patient hospitalization expenses, ambulance cover, domiciliary hospitalization expenses, AYUSH treatment, preventive health care and treatment vaccination in case of an animal bite are a few to name. 

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