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Riders You Can Add To Your Health Insurance Plan

The majority of people are aware of what healthcare coverage plans are. It is intended to safeguard policyholders by offering a range of medical insurance. There are several health insurance plans given by different healthcare providers from which to pick. But, occasionally specific criteria that you could require from the healthcare plan might not be covered by the basic policies. Whatever It might be, such as the scope of the insurance, the advantages provided, the term of the policy, etc. Healthcare riders can be useful in this situation. These are alterations to a standard healthcare policy's terms of coverage. This is quite similar to modifying a current plan to the policy bearer's requirements.

Riders You Can Add To Your Health Insurance Plan

Health Insurance Policy With A Severe Sickness Rider

To start, let's define what a severe sickness rider is in a health insurance policy. As the title indicates, this added perk enables the policyholder to get financial assistance from the provider in the event of a serious sickness or condition that often calls for lengthy medical care. 

The advantage of adding this rider to your healthcare coverage policy would be that, in the tragic situation that you are given a serious sickness diagnosis, you will be eligible to receive an approximate payment or an insured amount from the provider. Furthermore, one significant advantage of a severe sickness rider in healthcare coverage is the fact that the insured amount is independent of the real overall cost associated with treating the specified sickness. A severe sickness rider can be readily added to your healthcare coverage policy.

Some Riders That You Could Add To Your Healthcare Coverage Policy

Following are some health insurance riders which can considering adding to your standard health insurance policy - 

  • Rider For Maternity Cover

Many healthcare coverage policies in India do not pay the insured person's maternity expenses. But, it is undeniable that the whole cost of delivery may be fairly hard on the wallet. This is the time to consider adding a maternity coverage rider to your healthcare coverage policy. It would aid in defraying the price of giving birth. Certain healthcare policies offer limited compensation for maternity and postpartum expenses. Therefore, before buying the rider, you might wish to verify with your insurance company.

  • Cash Rider For Hospitals

In the event of an unexpected admittance to the hospital, this rider may be very useful. The everyday cost spent while in the hospital might add up quickly, but this rider can assist by giving the insured person daily cash reimbursements as well as additional perks for medical bills spent while in the hospital. Additionally, if the person needed critical care (like an ICU), financial perks will only be provided if the person stayed in the hospital for over twenty-four hours.

  • Rider For Individual Accident

Accidents might also result in significant costs. In the terrible event that the insured person dies due to an accident, members of his or her family are entitled to get double what is specified in the rider of healthcare coverage policy. The such rider can be purchased to cover all costs in the event of a momentary or lifelong impairment brought on by the accident.

  • Rent-Free Room Rider

This is one more useful rider that enables you to book the room in the hospital of your choosing without bothering your provider by putting a limit on room rent. In order to ensure that you experience pleasant accommodation while in the hospital, this rider aims to eliminate rent of room restrictions. People who reside in major cities, where the rent of a hospital room could be rather expensive, might benefit greatly from it.


Your healthcare insurance coverage becomes somewhat more all-inclusive while also being slightly more expensive thanks to riders. And possessing riders is far more economical when you weigh the cost of the premium against the requirement. However, you must make absolutely sure that your insurance covers the appropriate sort of riders in order to accomplish this.

Also read: How to Check Raheja QBE's Health Insurance Policy Status?

Health Insurance Plans For Senior Citizens


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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