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Reviews Of Magma Health Insurance

Magma General Insurance Company Limited is a partnership between one of India's largest NBFCs, a multinational company with offices in over 150 countries.

Magma has many different types of health insurance, such as individual health insurance, family health insurance, personal accident protection, group health coverage, etc. 

Reviews about Magma Health Insurance

All About Magma General Insurance

Magma General Insurance Company offers many types of insurance to its customers, such as health insurance, auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, burglary insurance, marine insurance, and fire insurance. The company also has a big presence all over the country because it has more than 130 locations. The insurance firm has garnered many honors for its performance throughout the year. 

Why Select Magma Health Insurance?

Magma Health Insurance company provides a variety of services to its clients. Several examples are as follows:

  • High Claim Settlement Ratio: The claims settlement ratio is the number of claims an insurance company settles compared to the total number of claims it receives in a given fiscal year. During the 2018-2019 fiscal year, Magma Health Insurance had an exceptional claim settlement ratio of 95.17 percent. The higher the CSR, the better.
  • Wide Network of Cashless Hospitals: With Magma Health Insurance policy, it's easy and quick to settle a cashless claim because the cashless hospital network is so big. The insurance company works with more than 4,300 hospitals so that policyholders can get care without having to pay out of pocket. 
  • All-Time Support Availability: 24*7 Claim Assistance  Magma Health Insurance provides its clients with round-the-clock, 24*7 customer support. Thus, you may contact the insurer at any time with questions or concerns.
  • Wide Range of Add-ons: Availability of Add-on Covers Magma Health Insurance provides add-on covers, such as coverage for critical illnesses and accidents, to help you expand the coverage of your health insurance plans.

Advantages of Magma Health Insurance

Magma Health Insurance Plans provide the following primary health insurance benefits:

  • Free Yearly Health Exam - Magma Health Insurance offers all adult insureds, regardless of claims, a free annual health exam.
  • Restoration of Sum Insured: Magma Insurance provides the restoration of the policy's sum insured. So, the health insurance plan's sum insured amount goes back up after the base sum insured level is used up during the policy year. This prepares you for unexpected medical situations.
  • Worldwide Emergency Coverage: Under this plan, Magma Insurance would cover the policyholder's medical expenses incurred outside India.
  • Easy Policy Transfer: Magma Health Insurance permits customers to transfer their current health insurance policy from another insurer or an existing product offered by them.


Health insurance has become a necessity today considering the rising medical costs in the country and the vulnerability of contracting diseases. The health insurance solutions offered by Magma General Insurance serve as a guide for this necessity, as the plans are not only highly comprehensive but also customisable. 

Also Read: 10 Benefits of Health Insurance Riders

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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