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Research Finds New Covid-19 Complications

As per a new research, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, individuals struggling from coronavirus suffered from various complications such as kidney, lung, and cardiovascular issues, due to the infection. A United States health database containing data of de-identified outpatient and inpatient medical claims was used for the research purpose. 

A larger study of coronavirus patients in the U.S. revealed that pneumonia, kidney failure, respiratory failure, and sepsis or systemic inflammation were some of the most common complications associated with Covid-19. A range of other lung and cardiovascular conditions, like blood clotting disorders, collapsed lung, and heart inflammation was also found. However, the risk associated with these was comparatively low. In comparison to results of other studies, the coronavirus disease did not seem related to a higher risk of stroke. Earlier, the researchers had said that Covid-19 can result in a vast array of neurological complications, comprising stroke, movement disorders, seizures, inflammatory diseases and more, even in moderate cases.

The study provided risk as well as the possible odds for all identified diagnoses that are related with Covid-19. As per the study, the information will help patients, providers, and policy-makers so that they can understand the likelihood of complications.

"We found a wide range of neurological complications, worsening of underlying neurological conditions and a lot more," said Pria Anand, a study author from the Boston University. She further added that the majority of individuals did not require critical care.

According to researchers, having an understanding of the full range of related conditions can help in prognosis, guide treatment decisions, and better inform patients about the variety of Covid-19 complications. 

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