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Registration for Universal Health Insurance Coverage Scheme to Start in Rajasthan From April 1

As per the latest reports, the registration of the Universal Health Insurance Coverage Scheme, announced in Rajasthan Budget 2021-22, will begin in Rajasthan from April 1. Ashok Gehlot, Chief Minister, Rajasthan will begin the exercise so that every family in Rajasthan is insured with a cover of Rs. 5 lakh on an annual payment of Rs. 850. 

Addressing a virtual programme, the Chief Minister stated that the implementation of the Universal Health Insurance Coverage Scheme will begin from May 1, however, the registration will start from April 1. Furthermore, he informed that at present, the topmost priority for the government is the medical and health sector with focus also on development works, education, irrigation, water, electricity, social welfare and others. 

Mr. Gehlot also highlighted that the government had launched the “Nirogi Rajasthan" campaign that proved to be extremely crucial in March 2020 during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. He also stated that the corona management was great, because of which the state had the highest recovery rate and lowest mortality rate. The Chief Minister also shed light on Rajasthan's "Bhilwara model" that was applauded on a global level. 

Talking about the medical facilities in Rajasthan, Gehlot stated that the government is exploring the possibility of tie-ups with foreign universities for nursing-training courses. He informed that the number of medical colleges, seats in the MD and MBBS courses have enhanced in the state while the government is developing model community health centres. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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