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Preventive Healthcare In India - Packages And Tests Included

Health insurance plans are bought by the policyholders to get some monetary backup in case of a medical emergency. In case of an emergency, you can claim the accumulated benefits of your health insurance plan and enjoy its benefits. However, apart from the regular inclusions under a plan, the health insurance providers also offer some value added benefits for the policyholders like no claim bonuses, rewards, discounts, wellness programs, preventive health checkups, and much more. These benefits can also be availed at different points of time during the policy tenure. 

Preventive health care checkups are complementary by some health insurance providers. They offer free medical checkups of the policyholders after regular intervals of time during the policy tenure. These checkups are scheduled by the health insurance providers and help in promoting the healthy lifestyle of the policyholders. If your purchased health insurance plan does not offer complementary preventive healthcare check ups then you can invest in a suitable preventive healthcare package that is available in the insurance market. 

Preventive Healthcare In India - Packages And Tests Included

About Preventive Healthcare Packages 

Preventive healthcare packages are plans that are offered by various health insurance providers to their policyholders at an affordable premium rate, for undergoing regular preventive medical checkups. You can invest and look for a preventive healthcare package that suits your medical profile and make use of it to detect the diseases at their early stages. It helps the people in recognising the disease on time and then undergoing necessary treatment. These plans are of great use in case of critical diseases, as they help in detecting the life-threatening disorder on time and then accordingly go for its treatment. Based on the results of your preventive healthcare checkups, you can modify your lifestyle and pick up healthy habits. 

Different Types of Preventive Healthcare Packages 

Let us look at some of the different preventive healthcare packages that are available in the insurance market for the policyholders:

  • Packages For Families 

You can invest in a healthcare package that covers your entire family. It compensated for the preventive medical checkups of all your loved ones under a single package. It includes full body checkups, dietary consultations, dental checkups, and much more.

  • Cardiac Packages

This package has been specifically launched to identify the risks of heart-related ailments in the policyholders. It conducts checkups that deal with strokes, heart attacks, cardiac arrests, and much more. Due to the massive shift in the lifestyle of the people, they have become more prone to heart-related diseases. This package offers you checkups, consultations, etc. that can help you prevent heart-related diseases. 

  • Cancer Package

This package compensates for preventive check ups conducted to detect cancer diseases. Cancer is one of the most dreadful diseases that is affecting a large population over the world. To help people detect it and then prevent it in its early stages, the health insurers have launched a separate preventive healthcare package. Under this package cancer screening tests are conducted at the private hospitals. 

  • Package For The Children

Children up to the age of 13 years can be included under this package that includes radiology services, ENT, dental, paediatrics, and much  more. 

Tests Under Preventive Healthcare Checkups 

Under every preventive healthcare checkup package, certain tests are included by the policyholders. Some of the commonly included and conducted tests are pressure monitoring, blood tests, cholesterol management, HIV tests, cancer screening, diabetes tests, etc. The combination of tests included under a certain package depend on the type of package, medical history, choice of policyholders, etc. You can customize your packages and tests depending on your medical profile and health requirements.


You can invest in a suitable preventive healthcare package, if your existing health insurance plan does not offer one. You can go through the policy terms of your existing plan to understand its coverage. You must compare the available options online and then choose the one that is both extensive and affordable. 

Also Read: How Much Does Rs. 10 Lakh Health Insurance Cover Cost? 

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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