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PM Modi Launches Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, Indian Citizens to Have Separate Health ID

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday launched the Pradhan Mantri Digital Health Mission (PM-DHM), under which now every citizen will be required to have a separate health ID. PM Modi said that the drive is entering a new phase today, which was strengthening India’s health facilities in the last 7 years. 

The Prime Minister, on 15th August 2020 made an announcement about Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission from the Red Fort, in which Union Health Minister Mansukh Madaviya was also present. Addressing the nation, he shared his belief in the scheme and said that it will bring a revolutionary change in the health sector. 

As of now, more than 1 Lakh health IDs have been created under National Digital Health Mission, which was initially launched on a pilot basis across six states and UTs on 15th August. 

Things to Note About Digital Health ID Card

Following are the things that you should know about health ID cards: 

  • PM-DHM will create a seamless online platform by providing a wide range of data, infrastructure devices, information, interoperable, duly leveraging open, standards-based digital systems that ensure confidentiality, security, and privacy of data related to health. 
  • It will have a unique 14 digit health identification for every citizen which will also work as their health account. The national Health ID will have all the health-related information of an individual. The ID will allow access and exchange citizens’ health records with their consent. 
  • The health account will have information related to disease(s), every test, the doctor’s visit, diagnosis, medicines are taken, etc. The information can be used even if the patient is shifted to a new place and sees a new doctor. 
  • Information like mobile number and Aadhaar number is used to create a Health ID. With personal information, the health records can be linked and seen with the help of a mobile application, Healthcare facilities Registries and Healthcare Professionals registry (HPR). 
  • Health ID is free as well as voluntary. Health data will be analysed for better budgeting and implementation of health programs, which is expected to be a huge cost optimizer. 

With the Health ID, the citizens will only be a click away from having access to healthcare facilities. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


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