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Planning To Buy Health Insurance Amid COVID-19 Pandemic? Here Are A Few Things To Know

With the ongoing second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, it has become evident that a health insurance policy is necessary to cover the expenses of hospitalization in case of an emergency. People with a COVID-19 health insurance cover can get cashless treatment in one of the network hospitals of the insurer, which makes the whole process quick and convenient for them. Also, the policies provided by the insurance companies have been designed to particularly meet the demands of the coronavirus patients at an affordable cost. 

If you have not purchased a health insurance policy against the coronavirus pandemic, then you must buy one as soon as possible to secure the health of yourself and your loved ones. The policies for the COVID-19 pandemic are short-term and have a low rate of premium payment with sufficient sum assured to pay in case of an emergency. Coronavirus is spreading rapidly among individuals and therefore, it is necessary that you shield yourself and ensure that you get quality treatment when required. 

Planning To Buy Health Insurance Amid COVID-19 Pandemic? Here Are A Few Things To Know

Coronavirus Health Insurance Policy 

This policy is provided to meet the expenses incurred during the treatment of the COVID-19 virus. It offers a wide coverage that includes pre and post-hospitalization expenses, daycare procedures, in or out-patient expenses, and other bills. It does not come with a category of pre-existing diseases as the coronavirus has hit the population recently. Some essential features of a coronavirus health insurance policy are: 

  • It provides coverage for home treatment. 
  • The costs of PPE kits, ventilators, masks, and gloves too are included. 
  • There is no age-based co-pay on most of the plans. 
  • It provides add-on covers to enhance the benefits of the existing coronavirus health insurance policy. 
  • It also ensures cashless treatment for its policyholders at the network hospitals of the insurer. 

Types of Coronavirus Health Insurance Policies 

There are different types of coronavirus health insurance policies that are available in our country. These policies differ based on their coverage and sum assured. However, all the policies serve a similar purpose of protection against coronavirus and are short-term policies. The three different types of coronavirus health insurance policy are: 

1. Corona Rakshak Policy

This policy pays for the expenses of hospitalization of more than a minimum of 72 hours. It includes benefits like expenses for AYUSH treatments, PPE kits, nebulizers, masks, gloves, and much more. It is available for people fo age 18 to 65 years with the individual sum assured ranging from Rs. 2.5 Lakh to Rs. 5 Lakh. 

2. Corona Kavach Policy

This is the basic and standard policy for coronavirus patients which includes PPE kits, nebulizers, home care treatment cost, ambulance charges, and much more. The sum assured under this plan ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 5 Lakh. Your entire family can be included under this plan. It also looks after the costs of AYUSH treatments. 

3. Coronavirus Group Health Insurance

You must ask your insurer if the coronavirus health insurance policy is a part of your group health insurance policy. It is admissible only when you are a part of a group health insurance policy. If either of the above two mentioned policies for coronavirus treatment is included, then you are covered against the coronavirus. 

Factors To Consider Before Buying A Coronavirus Health Insurance Policy

The following points should be considered if you are planning to buy a coronavirus health insurance policy: 

  • Opt for a higher sum assured keeping into consideration your financial budget, as, during coronavirus treatments, the patient has the risk of contracting a critical disorder in their vital organs like lungs, kidneys, and heart. 
  • Go through the coverage plan of the policy to check if the basic covers like hospitalization expenses, ambulance charges, in-house treatments costs, etc are included. 
  • The waiting period for a coronavirus health insurance policy is usually 30 days. Only after this period, you can avail of the benefits of your policy. 


Make sure you protect yourself and your family against the deadly attack of the coronavirus and ensure everyone quality treatment in case of an emergency, by purchasing a comprehensive and affordable coronavirus health insurance policy. 

Must Read: Does Your Existing Health Insurance Policy Cover Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease

Things to Know About Life After Recovering From COVID-19

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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