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Over Half of Delhi Has COVID Antibodies, Says Sero Study

Satyendar Jain, Delhi Health Minister, recently stated that  according to a government serological survey, more than half of the New Delhi’s population may have been infected with the novel coronavirus. Moreover, he said that 56.13% of people covered under the latest serological survey conducted in Delhi in the month January have developed antibodies against the deadly disease. 

It must be noted that this was the fifth sero survey, the largest in the country until now, conducted from January 15 to January 23. Southwest Delhi district showcased maximum seroprevalence at 62.18%, while North Delhi recorded the lowest at 49.09%. It was found that in comparison to men, women have more COVID-19 antibodies. 

In the last sero survey, the positivity rate was around 25-26%. In the 5th survey, a comparatively new, better technology was utilized. Collection of samples was done from every ward and overall 28,000 samples were taken as informed by  Dr. Nutan Mundeja, Director General Health Services (DGHS). Dr. Nutan said, "The sero survey was conducted along with Maulana Azad Medical College. CLIA technology, which is a more sensitive technology than ELISA technology was utilized for the same. The collected samples were tested at ILBSto ensure uniformity across the city.”

Frontline workers will be getting COVID-19 vaccine jabs this week. A total of about 6 lakh frontline workers are expected to be administered the coronavirus vaccine. The frontline workers expected include government school teachers, police personnel, MCD employees, ASHA and ANM workers.

Delhi Health Minister has insisted that people should continue maintaining "Covid-19-appropriate behaviour" and using masks for a few more months.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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