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One in Ten People Still Show Symptoms Months After Mild COVID-19, Finds Study

A latest study in Sweden found that one in ten people still suffer from long-term Covid-19 symptoms even 8 months after mild coronavirus infection. The long-term symptoms experienced by many people include loss of smell & taste and fatigue. It must be noted that the study published in JAMA Journal was conducted by researchers at Danderyd Hospital and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. 

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Researchers in Sweden have been conducting so-called COMMUNITY study since the spring of 2020 to examine immunity after coronavirus infection. According to a lead researcher, investigation was directed towards identifying the presence of long-term symptoms after mild coronavirus infection in a relatively young and healthy group of working individuals. The results found loss of smell and taste to be the  predominant long-term symptoms of the coronavirus. 

In the first phase of the study, 2,149 blood samples were collected, out of which 19%  had antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. Blood collection was done by the researchers every four months, while the study participants responded to questionnaires regarding long-term symptoms as well as the impact on the quality of life. 

It must be noted that in the third follow-up in January 2021, the team examined self-reported presence of long-term novel coronavirus symptoms. Moreover, the impact of long-term coronavirus symptoms on work, social and home life for the participants with mild Covid-19 infection at least eight months earlier was highlighted. The long-term symptoms that the researchers reported were respiratory issues and loss of smell and taste. 

Any increased prevalence of physical disorders like muscle and joint pain, heart palpitations or long-term fever or cognitive symptoms like brain fatigue, memory and concentration problems were not found by the researchers.

The researchers have emphasised on continuing the COMMUNITY study with next follow-up in May when a large number of study participants are expected to be vaccinated.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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