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Omicron Variant - Symptoms, Treatment, Preventive Measures etc.

Nobody could have imagined the commencement of what looks to be an eternal epidemic as the world went into lockdown. People were able to begin a life that matched that of the pre-pandemic period, but with the introduction of masks, social distance, and decreased social activities, thanks to the availability of vaccines and the implementation of extra COVID-19 measures. However, when new varieties enter the scene, the planet threatens to be turned upside down once more. The most recent addition to the variants, Omicron, has been designated as a potentially lethal version, capable of bringing the world to a standstill once more.

Because of its mutations and infection rate, the WHO has issued warnings on the Omicron, a kind of Covid-19. However, study into the true state of the mutation and its ramifications for humans is still underway. Meanwhile, scientists say the symptoms would be the same as before, and previous illnesses will not protect you from the new strain. As a result, taking adequate steps to be secure during these times is vital. To understand more about the Omicron variant, read on.

Omicron Variant - Symptoms, Treatment, Preventive Measures etc.

What Can A Person Do Against The Omicron Variant?

Following are some factors that a person should take up to fight against Omicron Variant-

  • OMICRON VARIANT SYMPTOMS - Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, weariness, muscular or body pains, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, unpleasant and plugged nose, and runny nose are some of the symptoms of COVID-19. It has the potential to cause serious sickness or death, especially in vulnerable people.
  • PEOPLE SHOULD GET VACCINATED - Despite the fact that scientists are actively investigating the advantages of existing vaccinations against the Omicron variant, there is a strong belief that immunisation can significantly reduce, if not fully eradicate, the variant's symptoms. To get onto the safe side, it's a good idea to get fully vaccinated against the virus. In addition, a booster dose is now available in certain countries, which may increase the vaccine's potency against the virus. If you live in an area where a booster dose is accessible, consult a doctor about that and get it if your doctor recommends it.
  • ALWAYS ENSURE TO WEAR A MASK - Even if you are fully vaccinated, all doctors and government officials recommend wearing a mask in public places and while you are with others. The right kind of masks have been shown to be extremely useful against the virus when worn properly - that is, totally hiding your nose and mouth. Also, thoroughly wash your hands in between putting or removing a mask. If you're going to use reusable masks, make sure they're vented and stored properly.
  • ALWAYS ENSURE TO MAINTAIN PHYSICAL DISTANCE - While it may not always be feasible to prevent crowded or poorly ventilated situations, you can always make every effort to make them as safe as possible. Apart from wearing your mask, maintain a physical distance from others and advise them to do so as well. It has been proven that keeping a one-metre distance with yourself or the person next to you keeps diseases at bay.
  • ALWAYS ENSURE TO MAINTAIN PERSONAL HYGIENE - Hand washing was the initial process of the Covid-19 first wave, and it remains the most effective method of viral protection. Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with a good quality soap or hand wash for at minimum 20-30 seconds each time. After contacting something outside or making contact with someone, it is critical to follow this procedure. Antiseptics and disinfecting wipes must be used to retain the surroundings clean in addition to maintaining appropriate personal hygiene.


Omicron isn't a number to be taken lightly. Even if the sickness is milder, the sheer number of individuals might overload health-care systems once more. As a consequence, health-care capacity at any and all levels, including ICU beds, oxygen supply, sufficient health-care workers, and surge capacity, must be assessed and improved.

Also read - Preventice Measures To Take To Safe From Omicron Variant

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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