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Next Vaccination Round on January 22 for UP Healthcare Workers

The Health and Family Welfare has announced that UP healthcare workers, who could not get themselves vaccinated on January 16 will be given another vaccination opportunity to get the jab. January 22 has been finalized for the next novel coronavirus vaccination round for such healthcare workers. The same was confirmed by Amit Mohan Prasad, Additional Chief Secretary, Health and Family Welfare.

It is to be noted that for the first vaccination round, the health department had registered 31,700 workers on CoWIN portal. However, only 22,643 workers came at 317 vaccination centres across Uttar Pradesh. This additional coronavirus vaccination round is being arranged for the remaining 9,057 healthcare workers who could not come due to any specific reason.

Amit Mohan Prasad confirmed that preparation has begun in all districts for the next round on January 22. He further informed that the CoWIN portal will reflect the name of the beneficiaries. The date and location of the vaccination center will be informed to the beneficiaries through SMS. UP has an abundant stock of the vaccine.

It is to be noted that after the second vaccination round on January 22, the health department will carry out the vaccination drive twice a week. Finalization of the dates will be done after January 22.

The first round of vaccination on January 16 was successful. According to a health department officer, the first round of Covid-19 vaccination has confirmed to people that the vaccine is safe with no side-effects.

According to Navneet Sehgal, Additional Chief Secretary, Information, “1,055,500 Covishield and 20,000 Covaxin doses were provided to Uttar Pradesh. The state had plans of vaccinating 900,000 healthcare workers in the first phase. Once the first phase is over, inoculation of frontline workers will be carried out in the second phase.”

You May Also Like To Read: Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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