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New Symptoms To Watch Out For In The Second Wave of Coronavirus

Coronavirus has made a comeback, with its second wave and continues to be a dreadful spread like it was in the first wave. However, there are certain changes in this wave, like the symptoms differ, and the mutants are different. Also, to mention, this second wave of coronavirus is hitting another section of the population. Earlier the elderly people were the most vulnerable ones, this time, it has included a larger group of people, which is that the adults are also into its trap. 

In April, India reached its peak with around 40,000 patients of coronavirus in a day. The number of cases has been fluctuating since then, but the severity of the spread has not gotten any better. And, since the virus is contagious, it is important to note that proper measures are to be taken to avoid it as much as possible.  

Symptoms In The Second Wave of COVID-19

In the second wave of coronavirus, the standard RT-PCR tests are not turning out to be of great use, as the virus goes undetected. This new variant of the COVID-19 virus has a new set of symptoms and is life-threatening. Let us know some of the new symptoms to look out for:

1. Sore Throat 

A sore or itchy throat could be an early sign of the COVID-19 virus. You might feel like something is swelling up in your throat. It is one of the most common symptoms reported by more than 53% of patients globally. 

2. Nausea/Vomiting 

in the early stages of the second wave of coronavirus, you might feel a little nauseous.

3. Fatigue

Medical experts have reported that feeling weak or exhausted is one of the initial symptoms that the patients experience, even before they test positive for the coronavirus test. They might feel weak and low all day. 

4. Chills And Fever

If you feel extremely cold and get chills, you might want to consult a doctor, as it can be an early sign of coronavirus. It is one of the primary symptoms. 

5. Dizziness

Most of the patients of coronavirus have reported that they have undergone the feeling of fatigue, malaise, dizziness, and nausea, while in the initial stage of the spread. 

6. No Production of Saliva 

The production of saliva is important for protection against microbes or bad bacteria. Patients of the COVID-19 virus find it difficult to produce saliva, and they go through problems in chewing food. 

7. Body Pain

According to the doctors, patients with coronavirus have to go through a lot of body, joint, or muscle pain.  

8. Diarrhea

It is one of the major coronavirus symptoms, which has been observed in both the first and the second waves. It may last for around 1 to 15 days. 

If any combination of the above symptoms is observed, you must seek medical advice and undergo the standard tests for the convenience of the detection of the disease. 

Medical Tests That Are Used To Detect Coronavirus

In India mainly two types of tests are done for the detection of the virus. These medical tests are:

1. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test 

It is known as a real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction test. It is the standard test conducted for the detection of coronavirus. However, according to the reports, this test sometimes fails to detect even the symptomatic COVID-19 virus.

2. Rapid Antigen Test

This test is quick, rapid, and easy to administer, but is less reliable. Many state health authorities have decided to switch to this type of test. Indian Council of Medical Research has recommended this test, due to the steep rise in cases recently. 


The onset of the second wave of coronavirus is indeed dangerous but could be avoided by sticking to the guidelines and protocols specified by the government and healthcare professionals. If you notice any of your family or friends experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms, he/she must be rushed to the hospital for immediate health care. 

Lack of proper treatment on time can lead to a disastrous situation and may leave lifelong impacts on their health. 

Also Read:Things to do if Tested Positive for Coronavirus

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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