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New India Supports Ongoing Drive by Extending Insurance Cover to Uninsured Vehicles

In order to lend support to the drive currently going on and launched by the State Traffic Law enforcing authorities, the New India Assurance Company Limited has recently initiated a special drive. The drive will extend insurance cover to all the uninsured vehicles plying on the road.  

The Senior Divisional Manager, Dr. Daleep Pandita shared that their Regional Head from Chandigarh has initiated this. He is the one instructing all the offices throughout Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and UT Chandigarh to spread awareness among the public about the importance of getting their vehicles insured. 

New India will offer insurance cover to the owners of uninsured vehicles at their offices by offering them smooth experience and varied discount schemes.  

The insurer will also inform the customers about the advantages of insuring vehicles, financial compensations in case of third party loss pertaining to the accident, and risks associated with plying uninsured vehicles, Dr. Pandita added.  

He also shared that the motto of the company has been to act in support of social issues like these specially when it comes to the rural masses, where insurance penetration is less because of uninformed audience.  

Even as a part of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), New India Assurance is looking forward to organize seminars as well as workshops at several educational institutions. The motive behind is to spread awareness on a large scale particularly among the youth to get their vehicles insured for the betterment of society as well as the country.  

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