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Need For Cardiac Health Insurance Cover For Your Heart

Health insurance plans are important for people as they offer monetary assistance to individuals in case of a medical emergency and ensure quality treatment without worrying about the constraints. Due to the change in lifestyle, a large population has become vulnerable to life-threatening critical diseases and the basic costs of these treatments have increased with the rise in inflation. Policyholders can receive cashless treatments at the network hospitals of the health insurance provider. These plans come with features and benefits like room rents, ambulance charges, medication costs, organ donor expenses, and much more. These features enhance the health insurance plans and make them more useful for the policyholders. 

About Cardiac Health Insurance 

Cardiac health insurance plans are like critical illness health insurance plans, but it covers only cardiac ailments. Cardiac illnesses are disorders related to the heart like heart attack, cardiomyopathy, etc. A health insurance plan with a cardiac ailment cover compensates for the medical expenses incurred due to the treatment of heart-related disease thus, helping the policyholders from exhausting their financial savings. People with a medical history or a pre-existing disease related to the heart, must invest in an extensive and cost-effective cardiac ailments health insurance plan. 

Need For Cardiac Health Insurance Cover For Your Heart

Due to various changes in lifestyle, lack of physical activity, bad eating habits, stress over work, etc. people have become more prone to contracting heart related diseases. Over the past few years, the rate of deaths due to cardiac ailments have also increased and the cost of treatment of heart diseases have hiked drastically. This increase in the medical expenses can potentially burn a hole in the pockets of the policyholders thus leading them to exhausting their financial savings. Therefore, to help the people in such conditions and to offer them quality treatment for their cardiac ailments, the health insurance providers have rolled out cardiac health insurance plans that can be bought by people who have pre-existing heart related diseases or a medical history of the same. This plan offers the best care in case of cardiac related diseases to the policyholders. 

Coverage of A Cardiac Health Insurance Cover

Like any other health insurance plan, cardiac health insurance plan also comes with a list of features that can be availed by the policyholders at the time of the claim settlement process. Following are some of the essential features that are provided to the policyholders under the cardiac health insurance plans: 

  • Pre hospitalization expenses are compensated for a period of 30 days and post hospitalization expenses for 60 days. 
  • In-hospitalization expenditures for medical treatment of more than 24 hours is looked after by the insurer. 
  • Free annual healthcare checkups are made available to the policyholders, as it helps in  improving the lifestyle. 
  • Domiciliary expenses are also offered along with the ambulance charges and room rents during hospitalization. 
  • Tax saving perks on premiums for the taxpayers under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act are offered to the taxpayers who are also policyholders. 

Some of The Best Cardiac Health Insurance Plans 

Let us look at some of the widely bought cardiac health insurance plans that are offered by different health insurance providers in the insurance market: 

  1. Critical Illness Insurance Plan by Bajaj Allianz health insurance 
  2. Care Heart pPolicy by Care Health Insurance Firm 
  3. Star Cardiac Care Plan by Star Health Insurance Firm 
  4. ICICI Pru Heart Cover by ICICI Prudential General Insurance
  5. Max Bupa Criticare Plan by Max Bupa Health Insurance Company. 


You must consider your requirements like medical status, financial budget, etc. and then invest in a suitable health insurance policy. You must carefully go through the fine print of your cardiac health insurance plan to understand its inclusions and exclusions, as it can avoid a lot of inconvenience and hassle at the time of the claim settlement process. 

Also Read: How To Make A Cashless Health Insurance Claim?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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