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Nasal Covaxin Human Trials Begin in Nagpur

The first phase of human trials of the nasal Covid-19 vaccine Covaxin have begun in the city of Nagpur. It must be noted that the vaccine has been developed by Hyderabad-based Bharat BioTech. Nagpur is the only centre in Central India with Patna, Hyderabad and Chennai being the other three. Gillurkar Multispecialty Hospital in Nagpur is the trial site for the nasal covaxin human trials. In the past, the same hospital had successfully conducted the Phase I and Phase II trials of Covaxin, the Covid-19 vaccine delivered by intravascular route. 

As per a senior official associated with the nasal Covaxin trails, the nasal vaccine will be tested on 50 people in Nagpur. Moreover, the process of selecting 50 volunteers for trials has been going on since the past three days. To be eligible for the nasal Covaxin, the coronavirus vaccine a person must be healthy without any comorbid conditions as well as no history of Covid-19 infection in the past. 

In comparison to the traditional vaccines, the nasal vaccines target the virus present in the mucosal membranes. The nasal vaccines are given via the nose, instead of being given orally or through the arm. It must be noted that the novel coronavirus generally marks entry into the body through the nose. The vaccine, administered with the use of a nasal spray, intercepts the virus. Additionally, it makes the immune system develop proteins in the blood to fight against the virus. This also prevents the virus from developing. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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