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Must Have Health Insurance Add-Ons

Health insurance policies act as a financial backup for the policyholders in case of medical emergencies. These plans when bought offer a wide range of coverage and benefits to its customers at a highly affordable price to make their hospitalization hassle-free. Various medical expenses like room rents, ambulance charges, medications, vaccinations, healthcare checkups, etc. are looked after by the insurer. But sometimes the coverage of the standard health insurance policies is not enough to meet the demands and requirements of the individuals with certain conditions like cancer, diabetes, pregnancies, and a lot more. The cover and the sum assured under the policy can be insufficient to meet the costs of expensive treatments for an individual. 

To meet the additional costs of treatment for a policyholder or to add extra value to a standard health insurance policy, the insurance providers have rolled out add-on covers which act as optional health insurance covers with customized features to make sure that the customers demands are met at a negotiable price. The premium price for an add-on cover is lesser when compared to a basic health insurance cover. It comes with benefits like lifelong renewability of services, tax deduction, etc. 

Must Have Health Insurance Add-Ons

Must Have Health Insurance Add-On Covers 

Following is the list of essential add-on covers which an individual can invest in to get maximum benefits at an affordable price: 

  • Maternity Benefit Health Insurance Cover 

This add-on or optional health insurance cover provides compensation for medical expenses incurred during the delivery of the newborn baby. It protects and ensures quality treatments for both the mother and the newborn baby. It comes with a waiting period and therefore, should be bought as early as possible. The maternity benefit plan looks after the expenses like vaccination, consultation, checkups, delivery, medication, and a lot more. 

  • Hospital Daily Expenses Cover 

This health insurance cover curbs one of the most faced difficulties of the individuals at the time of hospitalization, which is the daily cash for medical treatment at the hospitals. The daily cash that is needed at the time of the treatment can drain all the financial savings of an individual and therefore, a hospital daily expenses cover helps the customers by providing them with compensation of up to Rs. 10,000 daily for 30 days. 

  • Critical Illness Add-On Cover 

This add-on insurance cover is a must have for those who have a medical history or have pre-existing critical disorders like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, lung diseases, stroke, and around 32 more such diseases. Generally the standard health insurance policies are insufficient for the people suffering from critical diseases and therefore, there must be a separate add-on cover to cater to their needs and ensure them quality treatment without worrying about the expenses. 

  • Emergency Ambulance Service Cover 

This cover allows the policyholders to avail the benefit of getting compensation for emergency ambulance services. An amount of up to Rs. 3000 is provided to the customers for ambulances, which ensure the best services on time for healthcare. 

  • OPD Add-On Insurance Cover 

Regular medical checkups are conducted for the patients before admitting them to the hospital and the cost of which can add up to a lot of money. OPD add-on cover provides compensation for checkups like consultation services, dental care, lab tests, and much more.  Some insurance providers offer the customers the benefit of teleconsultation services with experts thus enhancing the whole medical checkup experience for them. 

  • Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plan

Some individuals insure their parents above the age of 60 years under the family floater plans which can be insufficient for the members insured under the plan as people in old age are more vulnerable to life-threatening diseases. People above the age of 60 years can be insured under a senior citizen plan separately to compensate for their medical expenses at an affordable price. 


There are a lot of add-on covers which have been rolled out by the insurance providers to ensure quality services to the policyholders. You must carefully go through the fine print of the policy-related documents to make sure that your needs have been included within the policy. 

Must Read: Useful Add On Covers You Should Opt with Parents Health Insurance Plan

Are Add-Ons And Riders The Same In Health Insurance?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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