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Must Buy Health Insurance Plans Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

During the spread of the COVID-19, people realised the importance of having some financial backup for medical emergencies. The health insurance providers rolled out several plans that cover COVID-19 related medical expenses and also offered COVID-19 specific health insurance plans. These plans come with a short waiting period and are comprehensive in nature. It covers the expenses of hospitalization, medication, vaccination, nebulizers, intensive care, and much more. You can get daycare treatment coverage in case you are receiving COVID-19 treatment at home. There are several other exclusive features that you can avail under the COVID-19 specific health insurance plans. 

There are certain plans like the Corona Rakshak plan and Corona Kavach plans that have been introduced by the IRDAI to provide compensation for the treatment of the coronavirus. IRDAI has mandated all the health insurance providers to include COVID-19 related coverage under their health insurance plan to help people receive quality and assured treatment in times of a medical emergency. You can get a COVID-19 related health insurance plan at any health insurance provider of your choice, but you must compare its features with that of the other available options in the market. 

Must Buy Health Insurance Plans Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Health Insurance Plans That Can Help During The COVID-19 Pandemic  

Following are some health insurance plans that compensate for the COVID-19 related medical treatments of the policyholders in case of a medical emergency: 

1. Corona Kavach Plan

This short term COVID-19 specific health insurance plan is indemnity based and covers the policyholders for multiple medical expenses. This plan is available under all types of health insurance plans and has been included by the IRDAI. With a waiting period of 15 days, this plan comes into action as soon as the policyholder is tested positive with coronavirus. It covers expenses like AYUSH treatments, hospitalization costs, ambulance charges, room rents, intensive care, inpatient costs, etc. The period of this plan can vary from 3.5 months to 9.5 months depending on the choice of the policyholder. It comes with an optional additional cover for daily cash during hospitalization that can be bought according to your finances. 

Must Read: Important Lessons to Learn From COVID-19 Pandemic

2. Corona Rakshak Plan 

This COVID-19 specific health insurance plan is also a short term health insurance policy that covers the medical expenses of the individuals at an affordable price. It comes with a waiting period of 15 days and compensates for expenses like hospitalization, medication, intensive care, vaccination, and much more. This plan is a benefit based health insurance policy, and it offers a complete lump sum amount of the sum assured to the policyholders at the time of the claim settlement procedure. This plan can be availed only if you seek hospitalization at a government authorized COVID-19 center. You can enjoy the benefits of this plan at an affordable premium range with variants in policy tenure.  

3. Aarogya Sanjeevani Plan

This policy can be bought on both individual and family floater basis. It pays for the medical bills of the policyholders when tested positive for coronavirus. This plan is both comprehensive and cost-effective for different groups of people in the society. Anyone between the age of 18 to 65 years can invest in this plan and avail its accumulated benefits. It offers monetary support for hospitalization charges, AYUSH treatments, daycare treatments, cataract surgeries, ambulance charges, plastic surgery, and much more. The claim amount under this plan ranges between Rs. 1 Lakhs to Rs. 5 Lakhs covering for the new age treatments, dental treatments, etc. 


You can consider the above mentioned plans to get affordable and sufficient coverage for yourself and your family members. There are several other health insurance plans in the market that help the policyholders in compensating for the COVID-19 related medical expenses. You can explore all the best options and compare their features to choose the best suitable one for yourself and your family. To make sure that the plan meets your requirements, you must go through its terms and conditions during the free-look period. 

Also Read: 7 Health Insurance Industry Trends

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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