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More Children & Youngsters Getting Affected from Covid-19, Says AIIMS Chief

As per the latest reports, Covid-19 is affecting kids and young people in larger numbers this time in comparison to previous peak reports in the national capital Delhi in 2020. However, the mortality and morbidity due to the Covid-19 infection remains to be higher among the elderly as well as people with pre-existing comorbidities. 

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Dr. Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS stated that young people are going out a lot and feel that even if they are affected by coronavirus disease, they will only show mild symptoms. He highlighted that in reality, if infected, youngsters could easily become super-spreaders if there is a lack of Covid-19-appropriate behaviour while going out of their home from their end, thereby increasing more coronavirus cases among high-risk groups. 

It must be noted that in the past few weeks, deaths due to novel coronavirus have also increased. On Wednesday, Delhi recorded 11 deaths due to coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours. Moreover, 1,819 new cases were reported with a positivity rate of 2.71%. While the positivity rate on Tuesday was 2.7%, on Monday it was 2.77%. 

According to a health bulletin, more than 67,000 tests, including 36,808 RT-PCR tests were conducted in the last 24 hours. While the containment zones increased from 1903 to 2009. 

The surge in daily cases of coronavirus has been noticed from the month of March. Moreover, the novel coronavirus cases are increasing day by day. The impact has been on all age groups, but the elderly have been noticed to possess more complications. 

It must be noted that Health Minister Satyendra Jain has recently dismissed any possibility of imposing another lockdown. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.​

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