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Ministry of Civil Aviation Issues New Guidelines for International Travellers

The Ministry of Civil Aviation has recently issued new guidelines for international flyers keeping the spread of covid new strains in mind. The guidelines will come into effect on February 23 and remain in place till further orders.

The update of new guidelines comes after the South African covid-19 variant was found in four people and the Brazil variant was found in one person in India. 

In a statement, The Ministry of Civil Aviation informed that all international travellers will have to submit a self-declaration coronavirus form on the online Air Suvidha portal. Furthermore, a negative RT-PCR test report conducted 72 hours before the travel will also be required. It must be noted that travellers from the United Kingdom, Europe and the Middle East will be required to declare their travel history of the last 14 days, along with the above-stated requirements. However, there will be an exception for passengers who are travelling due to a death in the family. 

According to the statement, it will be the responsibility of the airlines to identify the international travellers arriving from/transiting through South Africa, United Kingdom, and Brazil during the past 14 days. Furthermore, segregate them in-flight or while disembarking to allow the authorities to follow the due protocol. Passengers from Europe, UK and the Middle East will be subjected to a self-paid confirmatory molecular test upon arrival. If the passengers from the UK, Europe and the Middle East test positive  for novel coronavirus disease, they will be sent to isolation units till their samples test negative. However, if they test negative, they will be home-quarantined for a week.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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