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Medicine Guild Asks Bharat Biotech to Withdraw Covaxin Meanwhile

The Organised Medicine Academic Guild (OMAG) has asked the Centre and Bharat Biotech to take back Covaxin for the time being. The federation of professional medical organisations in India, OMAG stated in a press statement that over 75% of those provided priority coronavirus vaccines will be ineligible. In a situation like this, it has advised Bharat Biotech to voluntarily withdraw Covaxin for some time and bring it back, possibly once the results of the Phase III trial are out. Moreover, the government should update its clearance terms and withdraw Covid-19 vaccine, Covaxin without any delay. 

Medicine guild has also urged Bharat Biotech to practice proper consultation with experts and issue proper clarifications on the meaning of allergies. It is to be noted that the statement of OMAG has come after Bharat Biotech released a Covaxin fact sheet, with a disclaimer regarding possible side-effects and asked people with allergies and other health issues to avoid the vaccine.

OMAG President Dr. S Natarajan, Secretary General Dr. Ishwar Gilada, and President-elect Dr. Suneela Garg, informed that OMAG is ready to provide its consultancy services for free to anyone interested. 

Dr. Gilada, Secretary General, OMAG said, “OMAG tried to relieve and comfort the medical community that both novel coronavirus vaccines, Covishield and Covaxin are safe while partnering with the government. However, the shocking incidents of relatively large-scale Adverse Drug Reactions are not welcomed in this move.” 

Besides, OMAG also asked Bharat Biotech for clarifications. 

You May Also Like To Read: How Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Work?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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