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Max Bupa Health Insurance Rebrands As ‘Niva Bupa’

Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Ltd. will be rebranded as Niva Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited, the MD and CEO of Niva Bupa, Krishnan Ramachandran announced. The changes related to the brand transition of the standalone health insurer will be completed by December 2021. 

Followed by the new brand identity of ‘Niva Bupa’, a change in its shareholding pattern will be witnessed, considering the exit of Max India and entry of True North, a private equity firm, in 2019. In the new entity called Niva Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited, True North now owns 55%, whereas Bupa owns 44%. 

The MD and CEO of Niva Bupa, Krishnan Ramachandran stated that after the shareholder transition of Max Bupa from Max India to True North in 2019, they are now ready with their new brand identity as Niva Bupa. The new brand will offer financial services and healthcare to fulfill the varied requirements and aspirations of millions of people in India. 

Niva Bupa Health Insurance has an aim to become an Rs. 2,500 crore entity by the financial year 21-22 and maintain strong growth in the market, as stated in a company release. It is eyeing Rs. 5,000 crore Gross Written Premium (GWP)by the Financial Year 2025. The insurer will bring more than 10 million people in India under the ambit of health insurance by 2025. Ramachandran added. The rebranding will not impact customers or its partners. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard. 

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