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Manipal Cigna Lifetime Health Plan launched by Manipal Cigna Health insurance for Global and Domestic Healthcare needs of Indians

Manipal Cigna Health Insurance Company has launched a new plan by the name Manipal Cigna Lifetime Health Plan. The health insurance plan has been thoughtfully designed after long periods of research post the Coronavirus pandemic, wherein the thoughts of consumers have finally changed from ‘ do I require health insurance’ to ‘ how much do I need health insurance. Therefore, after considering the rise in healthcare costs and incidences, various benefits are offered by the plan in terms of optional packages, high coverage, and complete healthcare financing solutions to protect the healthcare requirements of an individual and entire family both domestically and globally at each life stage.

The health insurance plan comes with namely two variants Lifetime Health Global Plan and Lifetime Health India Plan, wherein a high protection level with a sum insured ranging from Rs. 50 lacs to Rs. 3 crore is provided to give the policyholders financial access to cover advanced procedures and treatments.The new insurance policy lets the policyholder customize the plan they require for their family by using optional packages such as Women+,Health+, Global+ alongside riders for critical illness that offers extensive coverage such as screenings, vaccinations, and many other healthcare benefits.

Some of the benefits of the new Manipal Cigna Lifetime Health Plan include comprehensive cover, global and domestic coverage (sum insured up to Rs Crore each), Inpatient hospitalisation domestically, under global coverage no room rent capping for hospitalisation outside the nation, Premium waiver, Unlimited sum insured restoration for unrelated illnesses for coverage in India, to make sure so that the policyholder never runs out of coverage and much more.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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