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Maharashtra Witnesses Nearly 36,000 Covid-19 Cases in 24 Hours

According to the latest reports, Maharashtra reported 35,952 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours. It must be noted that this is its single-highest surge in a day since the beginning of the pandemic. Mumbai, the financial capital of India reported 5,504 new infections, crossing the 5,000 mark for the second day in a row and establishing a new single-day high.

It must be noted that Maharashtra had witnessed 31,855 new cases a day before with Mumbai reporting 5,185. According to the experts, the rate at which infections in Mumbai are multiplying are worrying. Authorities have ordered people to stay indoors in some towns in western India due to a high rise in the cases of coronavirus infection. 

At present, more than half the new coronavirus infections have been reported from Maharashtra, the land of financial capital Mumbai, where unnumbered people have returned to offices and factories.

As per a senior government official, the local government imposed a full lockdown for 10 days in the worst-affected towns Nanded and Beed, the two cities in Maharashtra as per discussion in a cabinet meeting. Referring to the comments made during the meeting, the official stated that the local government has decided to impose localized lockdowns rather than imposing a lockdown across the state.

The government has received requests from businesses for easing curbs due to the festival of Holi this weekend. According to the state police, restrictions have been removed in the city of Nagpur and large gatherings have been noticed at shopping places. 

Health officials state that novel coronavirus cases have increased at a rapid pace in multiple states since late February, following a near-full reopening of the economy and disobey safety measures like wearing face masks and social distancing.

At present, India's coronavirus case number stands at 1.18 crore, which is the third-highest behind the United States of America and Brazil. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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