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List of Useful Add-On Covers To Opt With Personal Accident Health Insurance

Personal accident health insurance covers are meant to cover the hospitalization expenses of the individuals who have faced bodily injuries, permanent or temporary disability, and death due to a road accident, fire, explosion, or any other accident. As we know that uncertainties are predominant in today’s world, and therefore we must be prepared to face the consequences resulting from them. 

There are families whose complete financial dependency is on a single individual, therefore, if an unforeseen event happens with the breadwinner where unfortunately the individual gets disabled or loses his/her life, then the entire family will have to bear the consequences of financial instability, hunger, poverty, and much more. In order to help individuals in such situations, health insurance policies offer personal accident covers. Along with these covers, people can buy add-on covers to add extra benefits to their existing policy at an affordable price. 

List of Useful Add-On Covers To Opt With Personal Accident Health Insurance

Useful Add-On Covers For Personal Accident Health Insurance Policy 

In order to customize the existing health insurance policy, certain useful top-up plans are made available at a good price to the policyholders. These add-on covers extend the benefits and make the claims more beneficial for the individuals. Following is the list of such add-on covers which can be added willingly by the customers, based on their choices and requirements: 

  • Roadside Assistance

If you choose to buy this cover, you will be provided with transportation services, first aid, and other medical roadside assistance at the accident spot. You can add this cover with your standard personal accident health insurance cover. 

  • Surgical Benefits

A basic health insurance policy incurs the cost of hospitalization costs only, but if you include this cover you will get your surgery expenses covered. Sometimes it happens that sometimes you have to undergo surgeries after an accident, this cover poses to be helpful in such cases. 

  • Protector For Income

The beneficiaries of the policyholder can avail death benefits and monthly income through this cover in case the policyholder dies in an accident. The extent of the monthly income is usually 1% of the sum assured per month. 

  • Room Rent Waiver

Through this cover, you can get better rooms while hospitalized without considering the sum assured of your basic health insurance policy. 

  • Cash Benefit 

To meet the daily hospitalization charges, this cover provides daily cash allowance facilities to its policyholders. The amount under this cover can be availed through the entire duration of hospitalization of the patient. 

Why Should You Buy A Personal Accident Health Insurance Cover? 

Let us look at the benefits of having a personal accident covers: 

  • This cover provides insurance against permanent or temporary disability and loss of life of the insured. 
  • It provides 150% of the sum assured as compensation for the permanent total disability of the insured.
  • Personal accident covers provide compensation in case of dismemberment of the policyholder. 
  • It covers the medical expenses incurred due to accidental injuries. 

Some Additional Benefits Under Personal Accident Covers 

Below is a list of some additional benefits that are either by default added to your base plan or can be added as top-up covers in your personal accident standard insurance policy: 

  • Residence Or Vehicle Modification

Under this cover, you can get coverage for the expenses incurred in the modification of your vehicle or residential accommodation which has been damaged due to an accident. 

  • Blood Purchase

This cover looks after the expenses incurred in purchasing the blood from a government-approved blood bank or hospital, in case of an accident. 

  • Educational Grant

You can secure the educational expenses of your children by paying some extra premium under this cover. It can be availed only in case of an unforeseen event that has led to the death or permanent total disability of the policyholder.  

Also Read: Useful Add On Covers With Family Health Insurance Plan

Importance of Add-on Covers with Health Insurance Plans


Based on your requirements and financial budget, you can choose any add-on cover to extend the benefits of your existing personal accident health insurance policy. You must go through the policy-related documents to get a sound awareness regarding the inclusions and exclusions in your policy.  

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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