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Know Who Should Buy Critical Illness Rider To Their Health Plans?

A critical illness insurance cover, often known as critical illness insurance in layman's terms, includes insurance benefits you receive to treat serious illnesses that pose a threat to your life and a variety of lifestyle ailments.

Know Who Should Buy Critical Illness Rider To Their Health Plans?

Need For Critical Illness Rider

Cardiovascular illnesses, cancer, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are major health issues in India that call for critical illness insurance coverage, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

In addition to the base plan's life insurance coverage, the critical illness insurance cover frequently includes coverage for serious health conditions including cancer, stroke, and kidney failure that necessitate extensive medical care and may strain your finances.


Plans for critical illness are designed to offer health insurance against a list of disabling conditions that can be very expensive to treat and typically have a long recovery period. The fact that severe illnesses affect essential bodily organs including the brain, lungs, and heart makes it clear why having coverage for critical illnesses is necessary. 

Negligence and a lack of preventative medical exams allow diseases to progress and eventually necessitate extensive treatment. Such illnesses can have a devastating impact on a person's life and the lives of their family members because they require expensive and time-consuming diagnosis in addition to the person's inability to work and cover the costs.

You can easily avoid having to deal with any financial burdens while receiving the required care if you have critical illness insurance coverage.

Who Can Purchase Critical Illness Coverage?

This critical sickness and disability insurance rider require a minimum age of 18 years to purchase.

The maximum maturity age under the Critical Illness and Disability Rider varies according to the critical illness coverage type chosen, however the maximum age for adding critical illness coverage is 65 years.

When buying a standard life insurance plan, purchasers of either gender can choose the critical illness coverage at the same premium rates.

As stated in the policy documents, family members may also be covered under a single plan. Each member of a group receiving coverage under a single critical illness insurance will only be compensated once throughout the policy's term.

Categories Of People That Should Buy Critical Illness Rider

These people have the most to gain from this insurance policy.

  • Those with Family Serious Illness History

People who find themselves in this circumstance should look for a plan with this type of insurance because many serious illnesses are hereditary.

  • The Family's Primary Provider

People who are the main breadwinners in their families should opt for this insurance plan to decrease the financial effects of severe sickness.

  • People 40 Years Of Age Or Older

These diseases are more likely to affect people over the age of 40 than younger people. They can purchase critical illness insurance coverage in order to protect their financial interests.

  • Workplaces That Are Highly Competitive

Studies suggest that persons who work in high-stress, time-sensitive environments should select these insurance plans.

Critical Illness Plans Exclusions:

Certain exclusions apply to critical insurance coverage, such as:

  • After the policy is acquired, there is no coverage for 60 days (or 30 in other circumstances). However, this exception does not apply to policy renewals.
  • Diseases that the insurer has designated as pre-existing.
  • Overseas medical care (depending on the provider).
  • Treatments including dental work, birth control, sex changes, hernia, cataract surgery, gastric bypass, etc. are not covered.


These days, having a critical illness rider is essential. A brief sickness can result in significant healthcare costs. If you have a critical illness benefit, you may be certain that your loved ones won't have trouble paying for hospital bills, doctor appointments, and other expenses.

Also Read: 

Super Top-Up Health Plan: How It Can Protect Despite An Increase In Medical Inflation?

List Of Widely Spread Critical Illnesses In India


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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