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Know Everything About Health Insurance For Heart Patients And Cardiac Surgery

To attract more consumers, health insurance companies provide specialty plans such as critical illness insurance, senior citizen insurance, and pre-existing disease plans. Furthermore, health insurers provide heart patients health insurance policies that cover heart-related conditions such as acute heart disease.
More than half of all heart attacks are documented among people under the age of 50, according to the Indian Heart Association. While 25% of heart attacks occur in persons under the age of 40, the necessity for cardiac health insurance policies becomes even more critical. It aids policyholders in keeping up with escalating medical expenditures, which may otherwise wipe out the majority of their funds. To get to know about insurance for heart patients and cardiac surgery, read on.

Know Everything About Health Insurance For Heart Patients And Cardiac Surgery

How Important Is Health Insurance For Heart Patients In India?

The increased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and high cholesterol levels, as well as the rising expense of treatment, have highlighted the need for health insurance for heart patients in India. It is a type of health insurance designed specifically for cardiac patients and is advantageous to those who already have a heart condition.
The major goal of these health insurance policies is to assist the insured afford the finest heart-related therapies available, such as CABG (coronary by-pass surgery), stents, and so on.

What Are The Key Features Of Cardiac Health Insurance Plans?

Following are the key features of cardiac health insurance -

1. Hospitalisation Cover - The coverage provides coverage of cardiac therapy as well as any related expenditures such as hospitalisation.

2. Financial Cover - The policy provides peace of mind in the event of a heart-related condition, such as a heart attack, because the insured can submit a claim through cardiac insurance without having to worry about the financial implications.

3. Lump sum of the sum insured - In the event that the insured is detected with a cardiovascular disease, the insurance company pays the whole coverage amount in one lump sum.

4. Loss Of Income Cover - The insurer additionally pays for the lost income below a cardiac care health insurance plan since the policy claim money can be used to cover other incidental expenditures.

5. Overseas Treatment - A heart insurance plan may potentially cover therapy received outside of the United States, based on the policy's protection.

6. Tax Rebates On The Premium - You may be entitled for tax advantages of up to Rs 25,000 on health insurance premiums paid for heart health plans under the Income Tax Act of 1961.

Coverage Under Cardiac Health Insurance Plans

The fact that the policyholder obtains a lump sum payment from the insurer is one of the key advantages of cardiac care health insurance policies.
Following are the things covered under cardiac health insurance plans -

1. Coverage for in-hospitalisation expenses - These are expenditures incurred at the hospital, such as ICU charges and so on. Based on the hospital in which the therapy is performed, the insurance provider may also pay these costs.

2. Pre And Post Hospitalisation expenses - In the same way that a standard health insurance plan protects in-patient hospitalisation costs, cardiac insurance policies do as well.

3. Domiciliary Hospitalisation/ OPD Treatment - Some cardiac health plans, like certain other health insurance policies, pay expenditures for homecare treatment if it is recommended by a doctor.

4. Myocardial Infarction (First Heart Attack) Cover - Most heart insurance policies cover the initial therapy for a heart attack that occurs when a muscle tissue dies due to a lack of blood flow to the heart. Clinical signs such as chest discomfort, acute myocardial infarction, an electrocardiogram, or other biochemical parameters may be used to diagnose a patient of myocardial infarction.


You may have heard that health equals wealth, but considering the unexpected nature of life, good health necessitates some wealth or money in terms of good behaviours and a healthy lifestyle. But getting insurance may effectively make that money much simpler when you actually need it.

Also read-Buying Health Insurance? Keep These Things In Mind

How To Pick Right Health Insurance Plan For Senior Citizens

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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