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‘Kent’ COVID-19 Variant Will Sweep the World: UK’s Genetic Surveillance Chief

First found in the British region of Kent, the coronavirus variant is likely to sweep around the world, the UK’s genetic surveillance programme, Sharon Peacock recently said adding that “the battle with the virus is going to last for at least a decade”. 

The director further shared her views saying, “We can stop worrying about it once we get on top of the virus, or the virus mutates itself out of being virulent”. In her view, there would be the sequencing of the new variants for another 10 years.

The UK scientists had developed the Covid-19 vaccines considering the old variants of the virus, however, they believe that they can still to some extent work against the new mutations.

Currently, there are 3 major known variants of the covid virus which have been worrying the scientific community around the world - the South African variant, the Kent (UK) variant, and the Brazillian variant.

The Covid-19 virus has now killed 2.36 million people in the world. With the advent of the vaccines, a hope of normalcy emerged, however, with the discovery of new variants and rapid mutations, there are again worries and fear that the vaccines would be required to be tweaked to remain effective against these newly found 3 variants.

You May Also Like to Read: All About New Coronavirus Strain Found in the UK

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


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