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Varicose Vein Surgery: Covered by Health Insurance? Know Your Options

In India, many people are affected by specific health problems, including varicose veins. It is a condition in which the small valves in the person's veins become weakened or damaged. In simple terms, the veins of an individual become swollen, twisted, and enlarged. Most often, middle-aged people are affected by varicose vein health conditions. Though the medical problem is not a warning of some critical condition, it can cause pain, itching, and swelling and may cause a lot of discomfort. Considering the high cost of medical treatment, most insurance companies provide coverage for varicose vein surgery under their health insurance policies. Read on to learn more about varicose vein surgery and insurance coverage. 

varicose in health insurance

What Is Varicose Vein Surgery And When It Is Required?

Varicose veins are a health condition that results in enlarged, dilated, or twisted veins that can be seen on the skin. The condition usually happens due to the weak functioning of the valves in the veins. Generally, the valves of the veins allow them to flow in a single direction and prevent them from flowing backwards. However, in varicose veins, rather than travelling to the heart, sometimes the blood collects in one place or starts flowing backwards. As a result, people with varicose veins may begin facing trouble. However, varicose veins may not be affected equally to everyone. This means not all people face serious problems and can treat themselves at home through exercise, leg raising, and other activities. 

Varicose vein surgery is usually considered cosmetic surgery. Individuals suffering from ongoing varicose veins operation or any other medical procedure whenever the ulcers swell and the discomfort increases over time. 

What Are The Various Types Of Varicose Vein Surgeries? 

There are a variety of invasive and laser surgeries and medical procedures introduced to treat the varicose veins' medical condition. Some of the common types of varicose veins are mentioned below. 

  • Vein Ligation and Stripping: 

This is an invasive method where the surgeons incise the affected area and tie the veins of an individual. Generally, this type of surgery is performed on people who are suffering from varicose eczema or trophic ulcers. 

  • Endovenous Laser Therapy Ablation:

The thin vein lining is removed with this laser surgery, which employs ultrasound imaging and laser fibre. Once the laser treatment for varicose veins is complete, the body begins to absorb the dead tissue and plug the aberrant veins without any pain. This procedure guarantees a more rapid recovery and has far fewer problems.

  • Transilluminated Powered Phlebectomy:

Under this surgery, the surgeon illuminates the vein by using an endoscopic transilluminator that produces a bright light. The device placed under the skin lets the surgeon watch the extracted veins. Hence, whenever the veins are noticeable, the surgeons remove them with the help of a suction device. 

When Can You Use Health Insurance to Get Varicose Veins Surgery?

Most insurance companies provide coverage for varicose surgery under the below-mentioned conditions. 

  • If an individual faces any symptoms including severe leg pain, swelling and heaviness in legs, ulcers, blood clots, and bleeding veins.
  • If your day-to-day activities are hampered due to the varicose veins. 
  • Self-treatment and other remedies fail to improve the condition of the varicose veins. 
  •  Medical reports indicate signs of venous reflux diseases. 
  • Varicose vein conditions result in various other serious medical problems. 

What Are Covered Varicose Veins Surgery Health Insurance? 

Listed below are some of the inclusions in the varicose vein surgery health insurance policy. 

  • Pre- and post-hospitalization cover
  • Surgeon fees or anaesthetist
  • ICU charges
  • Ambulance charges 
  • In-patient treatment 
  • Domiciliary treatment 


Varicose veins are not a serious illness and can be treated by ourselves at home. You can wear loose clothes, massage your legs, and change your dietary habits to cure varicose veins without undergoing any medical procedures. However, if self-treatment does not cure the disease, you may claim your health insurance policies to get compensation for the costs incurred during the treatment. Most health insurance companies provide coverage for varicose vein surgery; however, it is recommended to go through the policy document carefully at the time of purchasing the policy to know if your insurance company provides coverage for varicose vein surgery. 

Also read: What do you mean by convalescence benefit in health insurance?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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