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Is Star Health Insurance Good? Check Benefits and Unique Features

Star Health Insurance, founded in 2006 is now one of the leading insurers. With 15,000+ employees and over 17 crores of insured customers, Star showcases its customer-oriented mindset. Star is known for settling claims within approximately 2 hours after the request submission, helping policyholders faster. With a claim settlement ratio of 99.06%, Star Health Insurance is making sure that its customers have no financial burden while they are recuperating. 

Star Health offers plans for individuals, families, senior citizens, and corporations, and an added benefit of wellness programs, outpatient services, telehealth consultations, and second opinions from in-house doctors. There are no additional charges for pre-existing conditions.[1]

Key Metrics of Star Health Insurance Company

A few things to know about Star Health Insurance:- [1]

Network Hospital  
Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR)  
Solvency Ratio  
Lives Covered  
Pre-Existing Diseases  
Critical Illnesses  
Senior Citizens Benefit Yes
Tax Benefits Yes
Group Benefits Yes
Family Benefits Yes

Unique Features of Star Health Insurance Plans

These few features given below are what makes Star Health Insurance unique:-

  • COVID-19 Cover:- The policyholder can get an online consultation if they have any COVID-19-related concerns. InsuranceDekho advisor will help connect you to a Star-affiliated doctor.
  • Pre-existing Disease Coverage:- Star Health covers expenses related to pre-existing diseases with a shorter waiting period of 11 months.
  • E-pharmacy:- Getting medicines can be difficult if you are still recuperating and alone or with limited support. Having your medicines delivered to your doorstep makes life easier. Star Health provides the policyholder with an order of medicine online at a discount price.
  • Diagnostic Centers:- There is another benefit where a policyholder has access to get their tests and check-ups done in-house. There are 15,000+ such centers affiliated with Star Health Insurance.
  • Talk to Star:- Star Health also offers an added advantage where a policyholder has access to doctors online through calls, texts, and video calls for consultations or second opinions.[1] InsuarnceDekho helps you connect with the doctors and will guide you through any concerns or problems during the process. [1]

Key Benefits of Star Health Insurance

A few of the benefits if you choose Star Health Insurance are as follows:- [1][2]

  • Co-payment:- Members have the benefit of co-payment under Star Health Insurance where they have to pay a certain percentage of the amount in the claim while the majority is covered by the insurer. This is most beneficial for senior citizens as you can share your financial burden.
  • No Room Rent Limit:- A policyholder has access to full comfort as the room rent of any room, shared or private is covered by Star Health Insurance. A policyholder can upgrade their room and the expenses will be covered by Star Health.
  • Hassle-free Claim Process:- A policyholder does not need to worry about how long it will take to get their claim settled as Star Health has been covering their claims approximately 2 hours after the request. This makes the customer stress-free.
  • No Mandatory pre-medical check-ups:- Most of the Health Insurance plans under Star Health do not require pre-medical check-ups making the process of applying for a policy easier and faster. 
  • Cashless Everywhere:- Under Star Health Insurance, policyholders have access to medical coverage in, network and non-network hospitals. This advantage lets them have medical coverage everywhere without any payment upfront.
  • Tax Benefits:- Policyholders have tax benefits under Section 80D with Star Health Insurance making their financial burden even lesser. 
  • Medical Inflation:- With the growing medical issues the prices of their treatment are increasing too. These problems have only one solution leading us to Health Insurance and Star being one the leading insurers with many unique benefits is the way to go.
  • Wellness Program:- Star Health Insurance has included the benefit of organising a wellness program that helps people stay fit and healthy. Staying fit and healthy reduces the chances of needing any major treatments.
  • Lifestyle Changes:- With the changing lifestyle of people medical issues are growing and these changes require medical attention quite often. Often medical attention raises medical expenses which can be a burden that is resolved through Health insurance. Star Health offers quick claim settlement to its policyholders making it one of the best insurers.

Awards and Achievements of Star Health Insurance Company

Star Health Insurance is known to be one of the leading insurance companies. The recent awards below show its consistent work towards the customers:-[1]

  • Money Today Financial Awards, 2017-2018
  • Health Insurance Provider of the Year, 2018 by Outlook Money Award
  • Best Health Insurance Provider of the Year, 2018-2019 by Money Today Financial Awards
  • Best BSFI Brands, 2019
  • Most Innovative Product of the Year at ASSOCHAM’s Insurance E-Summit and Awards, 2020
  • The Best of Bharat Awards by Exchange for Media and Impact at the Pride of India Conference and Awards, 2022
  • Digital Innovation of the Year (Health Insurance) at BFSI Innovation Confex and Awards, 2023
  • Best Social Media Customer Care by Konnect Insights, 2023


The team at Star Health Insurance has shown their passion and dedication towards their customers. The awards, many benefits, unique features, and a higher Claim Settlement Ratio are what make them one of the most preferred health insurance companies to choose. Health Insurance is very important, especially now with all the lifestyle changes and the growing medical treatment costs. These costs are a big financial burden on the people and with an insurer like Star Health Insurance settling claims faster makes the lives of customers easier and stress-free.





This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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