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Is Paralysis Covered Under Health Insurance Policy?

Paralysis is a medical situation where one suffers a loss of functioning of muscles in the body. Usually, paralysis occurs due to damage to one’s nervous system. Anyone who is paralysed, experiences sensory loss, i.e. loss of sensation in the affected areas, and motor loss, i.e. loss of muscle function. Paralysis can be partial or complete and temporary or permanent. However, sometimes physiotherapy can do wonders and retain and regain the natural strength of the body.

Paralysis comes under critical illness and hence, your regular health insurance plan does not cover it. You have to choose a particular critical illness plan that covers all the medical expenses for paralysis related concerns. Moreover, you can choose for a critical illness policy as a rider to the comprehensive health insurance policy.

Is Paralysis Covered Under Health Insurance Policy?

What Leads to Paralysis?

Here are some key conditions that lead to paralysis:

  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Strokes
  • Brain Tumour
  • Spinal Tumour
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Acute Flaccid Myelitis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • Post-Polio Syndrome
  • Neurofibromatosis
  • Spina Bifida
  • Leukodystrophies
  • Brachial Plexus Injury
  • Lyme Disease
  • Transverse Myelitis

Types of Paralysis

Paralysis can be of different types. The ailment can affect the lower body such as your lower limbs. Here are different types of paralysis:

Monoplegia – This is a condition where the patient loses control over his/her limbs.

Hemiplegia – This is a condition where the patient loses control over one side of his/her body.

Quadriplegia – This is a medical condition where one loses control over all his/her four limbs.

Locked-in Syndrome – This is a medical condition where the patient experiences loss of complete control over voluntary muscles in the body excepts for the ones that regulate the movements of the eyes.

Treatment of Paralysis

Based on the symptoms and causes of paralysis, treatment for the disease is recommended. Doctor and the medical practitioner may recommend physical therapy, a surgery, occupational therapy, a device to move around, or possible amputation. Most of the times, this ailment is not cured; however, with a suitable and appropriate treatment, one can control the symptoms. Here are the options for the treatment of paralysis:

Physiotherapy and Exercise
Physiotherapy and proper and regular physical exercise bring in positive results in the individual suffering from complete or partial paralysis, be it in their legs or hands. Regular exercise leads to the successful recovery of motor and sensory functions in the affected areas in a lot of cases.

If the patient is suffering from quadriplegia type of paralysis, he/she can use the voice-command system to control gadgets and devices such as temperature, mobile phones, television, light, etc. However, the patients who have encountered locked-in syndrome can make use of particularly adapted computer systems to make small sentences, and improve their existing communication form.

Manual wheelchair for short distances is the best option for patients suffering from partial paralysis in legs. Nevertheless, this is suggested only if the upper body strength of the patient is up to mark. Those who have low upper body strength can use electric wheelchairs. Such individuals can use customized cars that have the accelerator, customized steering wheels, and brakes replaced with levers effectively.

Spinal cord and brain surgeries aid in paralysis treatment by dipping the swelling; however, it is dependent on the nature of the condition.

How Much Treatment of Paralysis Cost?

The individual who suffers from paralysis has to be taken under medical examination, diagnosis, and treatment. However, there is no such cure for paralysis. But, extensive care along with mobility can be availed by the patients to mend their lives in different ways.

When we talk about the treatment of paralysis, it depends on the disease’s severity and the body part that is affected. Usually, paralysis treatment cost falls between the range of Rs 7000 and Rs 1 Lakh. Nevertheless, it is vital not to forget that the total cost of treatment of paralysis is eventually based on a series of aspects that include the medical condition of the sufferer, the ailment’s severity, etc. One cannot deal with paralysis easily. The sufferer along with his/her family has to not only cope with financial overburden but also mental trauma. Not having an adequate health insurance plan to take care of such expenses can be a bane. In such cases, the critical illness insurance plan comes to one’s rescue.

If you opt for a critical illness plan with paralysis treatment cover, you’ll qualify for a lump sum amount to be received in a single transaction, if diagnosed with paralysis. You can use this amount for treatment, recovery and care. Moreover, it would be useful in meeting other unavoidable financial concerns like making up for the income loss, bringing lifestyle changes, paying off debt, etc.


Paralysis might be a life-threatening ailment. Nevertheless, the patient must never lose hope. He/she must not hesitate in getting the best treatment. In India, one can get a critical illness cover that offers paralysis treatment cover without hassles. There are multiple platforms that aid in availing the right type of policy.

Also read: What Are The Problems With Cashless Mediclaim?

The Importance Of Having A Health Insurance Policy That Covers Treatment At Home


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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