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Is it true that psychological problems are covered by health insurance?

Mental health and psychological diseases have always been a component of our well-being, affecting how we react to and handle stress, as well as how we make decisions and make life choices. Mental health is still stigmatised, and there was previously no adequate health insurance coverage for mental illnesses. However, the Covid-19 epidemic has pushed us to look beyond the box, since incidences of depression and anxiety have increased in tandem with Covid infections, and we will address whether or not health insurance covers psychological ailments in this article.

Is Psychological Disorders Covered by Health Insurance?

After considerable debate and discussion, health insurance companies have begun to provide mental illness health insurance policies that cover the expenses of treatment as well as any physical or behavioural shortcomings that may occur as a result of the condition. Insurance coverage for psychiatric diseases is required by law in India. The IRDA has advocated in favour of include health insurance in insurance plans, which is supported by the Mental Health Act of 2017, which ensures that mental disorders are treated equally to physical ailments. As part of this regulation, health insurance plans must now include the expenses of psychological problem diagnosis, consultation, prescription, and treatment. The following elements will assist you in better comprehending the several advantages of a psychological condition health insurance plan.

Psychological Disorders Health Insurance Benefits

  • Law Requirements

The fact that health insurance for psychiatric problems is required by law is one of the most significant advantages. Mental disorders can no longer be excluded from coverage by health insurance providers. They also can't dismiss the expenses of diagnosing, consulting with, and treating those with mental illnesses. If you are a policyholder, you are protected by law and are entitled to full compensation if you develop a psychiatric condition. 

  • Exceptional Coverage

Psychological health insurance coverage come with a significant sum promised amount. Pre and post-hospitalization costs, as well as diagnosis, testing, treatment, and recuperation, are all covered. In some situations, the policyholder may be eligible for a cashless claim benefit, which is supplemented by extending coverage to persons who exhibit evidence of a disordered mood, perception, memory, or decision-making capacity.

  • Existing Plans Are Affected

Another appealing feature is that it may be used in conjunction with your current health insurance plan. While expanding or combining other health coverages into an insurance policy is more complicated, health insurance policies that cover mental illnesses may be seamlessly integrated into your existing plan structure.

  • Covers a Wide Range Of Mental Illnesses

Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorder, Alzheimer's Disease, and Dementia are just a few of the conditions that insurance plans for psychological disorders cover and aid with financially. Individuals' daily lives are affected by these disorders, which interfere with the human brain's normal consciousness. For someone who requires constant medical attention, the coverage and financial assistance for regular testing, rehabilitation, and treatment of such disorders is a substantial benefit.

Take Away

You now know that health insurance plans include psychological diseases, so you don't have to be afraid to seek medical or financial assistance if you or a loved one is diagnosed with a mental illness. Several reputable health insurance firms in India provide insurance policies for psychiatric illnesses, and you may pick the one that best fits your financial and medical demands for guaranteed coverage and safety. Simply put, if you wish to reduce the financial burden of mental disorders, you should consider purchasing a health plan that effectively covers mental illnesses and their associated costs. 

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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