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Is It Possible To Purchase A Health Insurance Plan Without Medical Examination?

Yes, every health insurance policy does not need annual checkups. Before the screening,  health examinations are only necessary after reaching the previously mentioned age criteria. Some companies have lifted the age requirements and are now providing a policy without any health exam up to the age of 60 years, whereas the majority of providers still use 45 as the age at which before the screening medical exam becomes required.

Certain people may not wish to undergo the procedure or might have different reasons, despite the fact that it is ideal to have your medical condition checked when purchasing insurance.

Is It Possible To Purchase A Health Insurance Plan Without Medical Examination?

Companies Which Provides Health Insurance Plan Without Medical Examination

There continue to be choices in the manner of medical insurance without diagnostic procedures. Here are companies which provide health insurance without any medical examination.

  • Oriental Health Insurance Plan

No medical examination is required until sixty years of age. Oriental Insurance, a company that offers health insurance that is public, offers a Happy Family Floater policy. The policy is a whole family plan that permits the entrance of participants aged 3 months to age 65. Additionally, the plan does not require applicants under 60 years of age to undergo any before screening medical before approving their request for enrollment.

  • Star Health Plan

A health exam is not required for any of the insurance offered by this company.  For instance, the plans for older people cover seniors up to seventy-five years of age and do not need any health examination at any point in time after enrollment.

  • Religare Health Insurance Plan

Whenever it concerns the health condition status requirements, Religare or what is now called Care Health Insurance likewise includes flexible options. They don't require any age-specific health examination for the Customised Care Plan they are offering.

  • National Parivar Mediclaim Policy

The goal of the policy is to protect the well-being of the entire family for a sole sum covered. The covered amount under the plan is offered for one, two, or three years and can vary from Rs.1,00,000 to Rs. 10,00,000.

From the age of 3 months to sixty-five years, including oneself, one's parents, one's partner, and people with children, the policy may permit entrance. When you reach 50 years of age, the plan with the lifelong renewal option does not necessitate a prior-policy examination. However, it must be if you want to get severe sickness insurance.

Advantages Of Life Insurance Without Any Medical Check-Up

A health exam is required when you purchase term life insurance since it offers the provider an indication of your health state, which will affect the cost of your premium and the amount insured. Therefore, if a health problem is discovered during the check-up, it may have an impact on your premium payment and insurance coverage. However, certain life insurance policies do not demand medical check-ups.

With these policies, the provider would then determine your total amount assured according to your age and any revealed already existing illness.

If the insured amount is less than Rs. 1 crore, certain providers could also give you term life insurance without any medical examination. If you are fit, the provider would issue the coverage after taking your medical information over the phone. However, if the amount insured is significant, the company could need a medical check to accurately assess your condition at the moment the policy was issued.


With the market-available policies mentioned above, a policy bearer can obtain health insurance also without undergoing a physical examination. Therefore, since you no longer have a reason for not purchasing a health plan, start evaluating the policies depending on your needs and make the purchase of a health plan right away.

Also Read: 

Health Insurance With Maternity Coverage: An Important Tool To Enjoy Motherhood

Everything About The Need To Buy A Health Insurance Plan For Kids


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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