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Is Critical Illness Health Insurance Coverage Available?

Critical illness health insurance plans are meant for the specific purpose of providing a safety net against serious illnesses such as heart attack, paralysis, cancer, organ transplant, bypass surgery, kidney failure, coma, stroke etc. Typically, critical illness cover ranges between Rs.1 lakhs to Rs.10 lakhs, with higher coverage available on satisfying criteria set by individual insurers. Key features of health insurance for critical illness are:

  • Usually a 30 day grace period will be applicable after diagnosis (depending on insurer), with compensation being paid out on survival during this period.
  • Sum assured will be paid out as lump sum post-hospitalization.
  • Pre-medical check-ups required for people over a certain age limit (generally 45 years).
  • Day care procedures can also be covered, wherein treatment such as dialysis that can be done within a few hours will be covered.
  • Pre-existing diseases are not covered under this health insurance plan, though most insurers allow cover for pre-existing diseases on completion of a certain period of uninterrupted premium payment (usually 4 years or more).
  • Most insurers will have a list of cashless network hospitals where treatment can be availed without payment of cash (settled by the insurer itself).

Is Critical Illness Health Insurance Coverage Available?

Advantages of Critical Illness Riders

Critical illness health insurance policies are your best bet against life-threatening diseases or ailments. With the extensive cover provided under this plan, even treatments lasting for months can be potentially compensated in full if the sum assured is sufficient. Key advantages are:

  • Tax benefits under Section 80(D) of the Income Tax Act.
  • Lumpsum amount to be paid at the end of the waiting period, which may be used any way the insured wants to.
  • Easy documentation for making claims.
  • Wide range of options for sum assured, premium, and policy tenure.
  • Additional riders can be bought as per company policy.
  • Hassle-free claim settlements once all documents are received by the insurer.
  • Pre-hospitalization expenses covered up to 30 days before getting admitted in a hospitalization.

Who Should Buy This Plan?

Indian citizens above 18 years of age and less than 65 years can avail critical insurance health policies. Applicants more than 45 years may have to go through pre-policy medical checkup. As a rule, plans under the health insurance segment should be bought when you are young and healthy, as this directly affects the premium asked by the insurer.


Family members can also be covered under a single plan as per policy documents. If more than one person is covered under a single critical illness policy, each member stands to receive cover once during the policy tenure.

Also read- When Is It Appropriate To Buy A Health Insurance Policy?

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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